Special aspects organization of tutor support for secondary school students

Ключові слова

tutor support
secondary school students
individual educational route
individual educational trajectory
individual educational program

Як цитувати

Osadcha, K. P. (2018). Special aspects organization of tutor support for secondary school students. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 211–216. вилучено із https://jped.uipa.edu.ua/index.php/JPED/article/view/121


The paper presents the age characteristics of teenagers according to it the special aspects of
tutor support for secondary school students acquiring specific features. The paper discusses these
specific characteristics on the basis with the analysis of scientific papers (Kovaleva T.M., Kunash M.A., Isakova, O.A., Tregubova, O.G. and others).Tutor support at the secondary school is
understood as pedagogical activities, the essence of which is development of preventive student
competencies, proficiency and skills of independent educational and life course planning, formation
and implementation of individual educational programs, proficiency and problem-solving skills. It is
reported that tutor activities with teenagers are mainly aimed at keeping up their interest in learning
orientation in the selection of items of interest and preprofile training. It was found that the main
tutor activities with secondary school students are diagnostic methods, a project method, a portfolio
method, and such forms as consultations, trainings, competitions, educational and research activities.