Technologies transfer as a part of the process of executive staff professional development in the sphere of education

Ключові слова

education process IT-support
distance education
postgraduate teacher education
education system
technologies transfer
and managerial competence of executive staff in the sphere of education

Як цитувати

Lunyachek, V. (2018). Technologies transfer as a part of the process of executive staff professional development in the sphere of education. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 201–210. вилучено із


This paper highlights modernization of the process of executive staff professional
development in the sphere of education through pedagogical and management technologies
transfer. The relevance is proved based on a number of sources analysis covering administrative
and pedagogical technologies, where emphasis is put on the structure and content of
technologies, but not on their presentation by consumer. It is presented estimated working
training program for professional executive staff development, which involves mastering of the
quality education management technique in the education establishments. The emphasis is put
on the legal and regulatory framework provision while technology transfers in the field of
education, including contract law application. It is reflected the specific features of the distance
component implementation in professional executive staff development using Moodle (distance
learning system). It is analysed specific features of its content preparation in relation to specifics
of professional development process, where technology transfer is its component.