«Improvement of the informational and methodological competence of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions by means of information and communication technologies

Ключові слова

information and communication technologies
informational and methodological competence
professional training in pedagogical higher educational institutions
training of future teachers

Як цитувати

Drokina, A. (2018). «Improvement of the informational and methodological competence of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions by means of information and communication technologies. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 196–200. вилучено із https://jped.uipa.edu.ua/index.php/JPED/article/view/119


This article is devoted to the problems of training of students of pedagogical higher
educational institution in the conditions of informatization of education. It is found that the
informational and methodological competence is one of the most important components of
professional competence of the teacher, which increases the intellectual capacity and
During our study, we revealed that the formation of the informational and methodical
competence of future teachers should be designed as an open complex dynamic system, which
integrates a special, informational, psychological-pedagogical and subject-didactic training of
future specialists.
Based on the analysis of the potential and didactic possibilities of the information and
communication technologies, the feasibility of their implementation to improve the level of
informational and methodical competence of students of higher educational institutions was
justified. It is found that the informational and methodological competence of future teachers is
formed in the informational and educational environment using the information and
communication technologies, as well as in continuous self-education.