The use of educational computer technologies in educational process of the university

Ключові слова

computer technologies
telecommunication networks
computer skills
information culture
educational process

Як цитувати

Borzenko, O. P. (2018). The use of educational computer technologies in educational process of the university. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 189–195. вилучено із


The article deals with the actual problem - the use of computer technologies in the
educational activities of university students. It is also concluded that the development and
improvement of computers provide significant opportunities for technological learning process
optimization and transformation of knowledge, dialogic forms of interaction, formation of high
professional quality by means of enhancing interest in the study, taking into account not only the
age, but also the individual - subjective qualities of each student.
The use of computer technologies is important in the creative work of teachers, because the
deductive capabilities of these techniques are very powerful. Various forms of information delivery
and educational tasks are reported. Possibility of providing feedback between teacher and student;
distribution fields of independence and widespread use of gaming devices; providing tools to
monitor learning scores (certification, colloquiums, tests, exams); conducting tests on lectures and
seminars materials; control of training for laboratory studies and workshops, self knowledge
control in interactive mode; determination of students scores; are described.