The essence of the concept «productive and creative competence of the future engineer-teacher

Ключові слова

professional competence
productive competence
creative competence
productive and creative competence
the future engineer-teacher

Як цитувати

Masych, V. (2018). The essence of the concept «productive and creative competence of the future engineer-teacher. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 136–142. вилучено із


Productive and creative competence is an integrative personal and professional
characteristic of the future engineer-teacher, which ensures its commitment to the successful
implementation of professional activity by implementing the creative potential of both – their
own and those who are learning. The process of forming a productive and creative competence
of the future engineer-teacher can be defined as the systematic accumulation of positive content
in its quantitative and qualitative changes that allow carrying out productive creative
professional and educational activities. Considering the formation of a productive and creative
competence in higher vocational education system, we can talk about the readiness of the
graduate to the professional and educational activities, its ability to apply knowledge, skills and
experience for successful professional fulfillment, efficiently using your own creativity. The
future engineer-teacher with the generated productive and creative competence is a subject
which has some of its components, it is allowed to carry out the vocational and educational
activities productively, creatively and at the highest level.