Analysis of the content of software engineers training

Ключові слова

specialists in information technology
software engineer
training courses
educational programs

Як цитувати

Kruglik, V., & Osadchyi, V. (2018). Analysis of the content of software engineers training. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 101–110. вилучено із


The article analyzed the curricula of training in the field of knowledge 12 "Information
Technology" educational institutions of Ukraine. On this basis, were identified and grouped into
blocks of disciplines (informatics, mathematics, programming, electronics, project management,
linguistic, practical). The list of subjects is not sufficiently illuminated professional component. In
order to select appropriate content of training curricula are considered leading foreign universities.
Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign training programs were selected disciplines that
make up the core training of future engineers and programmers. To display the logical connections
between disciplines based network diagram normative part of the curriculum. In researched the
professional competence, which are formed during the study subjects that make up the core
training of future engineers-programmers are determinate.