The Genesis of «thesaurus»concept in the theory of education management

Ключові слова

terminological analysis
directions of thesaurus development
theory of education management

Як цитувати

Kozlova, O. G. (2018). The Genesis of «thesaurus»concept in the theory of education management. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 87–92. вилучено із


The essence of the notion "thesaurus" is revealed in the article, the results of the
terminological analysis of scientific literature on the transformation of the thesaurus concepts in
the theory of education management are presented. The study allowed identifying three directions
of the thesaurus of the domestic theory of education management development: borrowing foreign
concepts; justification for separate concepts management and conceptual systems solving specific
management problems; appearance of the first works in which an attempt to provide the thesaurus
of the theory of education management as a whole systems phenomenon is made.
It was determined that the evolution of lexicography form of the thesaurus has led to the
emergence of many of its species, a comprehensive description which can give a detailed
It is proved that: the problem of the terminological device is very complicated, which can
be solved on the basis of system-integrated approach; development of a conceptual and
terminological apparatus in education promotes deeper awareness of the essence of the
phenomenon, and, consequently, more effective management of any system of this kind.