The results of experimental testing conceptual model of the development of information and communication competence of philological disciplines teachers’ in the system of postgraduate education
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IC competence
conceptual model
components of IC competence
the types and forms of activities
course and intercourse periods
the system of postgraduate education

How to Cite

Degtyaryova, G. (2018). The results of experimental testing conceptual model of the development of information and communication competence of philological disciplines teachers’ in the system of postgraduate education. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (52-53), 69–78. Retrieved from


The modern information society requires from competent ICT teachers. This prompted the
study of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of the IС
competence of teachers and development of a conceptual model of the development of this
competence of teachers of philological disciplines in the system of postgraduate education.
During 2012-2016, this model was tested in the Kharkov Academy of continuous education and
seven institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education. The activity of subjects (364 of the
teacher-philologists in the experimental and control groups) for the development of IC skills was
studied in an environment close to everyday life, in familiar types and forms of activities in
course and intercourse periods. The study was based on a set of methods (theoretical, empirical
and mathematical statistics methods), the use of which allowed to determine the effectiveness of
the implementation of the system of postgraduate education the conceptual model of the
development of the IC competence of teachers of linguistic disciplines. The article considers the
results of monitoring the impact of the participation of teachers-philologists in different forms
and types of activities on the development and degree of manifestation of IC competence. We
came to the conclusion that the level of IC competence will grow if in the system of
postgraduate education training teachers-philologists in the field of ICT to build on our
developed model.

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