Methodological foundations of formation of the educational environment at the higher military educational institutions of aviation profile

Ключові слова

higher military school cadet
learning environment
educational system

Як цитувати

Marchenko, O. (2018). Methodological foundations of formation of the educational environment at the higher military educational institutions of aviation profile. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 62–68. вилучено із


It is identified a complex integrative character of the pedagogical phenomenon of the
education al environment, it is defined he system properties and proven the social nature,
integrity, dynamism, openness. It is demonstrated the expediency of competence, the acme logical
methodological approaches in there solution of educational environment formation problem sat
higher military educational establishment so aviation profile. It is defined the main methodological
provisions for the professional competencies formation and achieved the personal development
peaks of the future specialists of the military aviation profile It is proved that the formation of
motivational-value, social, communicative, cognitive-activity, personal and developmental
components of the professional competence of the future military pilots and the aviation engineers
supported the integration of the educational environment at the higher military educational
institution of the aviation profile in the socio-cultural space, the existence of the personal grow
thin captives and the professional formation, translation and assimilation of universal humanistic
values, implementation of training standards, ensuring a high level of intellectual, physical,
cultural ones.