The article briefly describes the genesis of Ukrainian patriotism as a historical and social phenomenon
associated with the life and struggle of Ukrainians for their independence.
Based on the results of the analysis of scientific theory, the author shows the main transformations of
the concept of "patriotism" since ancient times.
The article presents the structure of patriotism through a set of characteristics of an individual's
attitudes towards himself, his homeland, fellow citizens, and national values.
The correlation between patriotism and nationalism is analysed as a problem that causes debate in
Ukrainian society.
The article considers the modern content and context of formation of national patriotism,
interconnection and interdependence of the national (public) and personal patriotism of a citizen of Ukraine.
Based on the provisions of scientific theory, the author's own experience and the results of a survey, an
attempt is made to analyse the problem of modern effective patriotism of citizens, to define the essence of
the phenomenon of "patriotism" and to manifest it in everyday life of modern Ukrainians.
The study of the content of a number of papers on the problem of formation and development of a
citizen-patriot of Ukraine on the basis of a patriotic approach made it possible to identify the main means of
educating students' patriotism, organisation of life and relationships of students.
Summarising the results of scientific studies, in particular those of the researchers of the Municipal
Establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council (H.
Ponomarova, M. Rohanova, S. Riabokin), the author concludes that patriotic education in the context of a
pedagogical HEI, in particular, involves the involvement of higher education students in a specially
organised educational environment, in which the formation of patriotic values is carried out comprehensively
in a holistic educational process and beyond as a cross-cutting idea.
Theoretical research and practical experience have made it possible to present a structural and
functional model of the system of patriotic education of students in a pedagogical higher education

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