The article is dedicated to analyzing contemporary methods of organizing the national-patriotic
education of future elementary school teachers. It discusses the main trends and approaches to instilling
patriotic values in students of higher educational institutions. The article delves into the significance of
national-patriotic education in the modern educational context and proposes effective methods, such as the use
of interactive technologies, patriotic events and projects, studying history and culture within the context of
national identity, and so forth. The authors provide examples of successful implementation of these methods in
the educational process and highlight the advantages and challenges that arise during their implementation.
Furthermore, the article examines the fundamental aspects of organizing the national-patriotic
education of future elementary school teachers, its objectives and goals, as well as the methods and means
through which patriotic consciousness is nurtured. Special attention is given to analyzing pedagogical technologies that contribute to fostering love for one's country, its culture, history, and traditions in children.
The authors elucidate the role of teachers in instilling patriotic sentiments in students, as well as the influence
of the family environment and the educational system on shaping national identity. Specifically, aspects such
as the use of extracurricular activities, interactive teaching methods, and the development of students'
creativity and initiative are discussed. The article also analyzes modern approaches to organizing lessons on
patriotic education and their effectiveness in the contemporary educational environment.
Additionally, the work investigates the primary aspects of the impact of volunteering on shaping
patriotic values in students of higher educational institutions. It examines the practical experience of
implementing volunteer projects and programs in the educational process, describes the methodology of their
implementation, and evaluates the results. Significant attention is paid to the interaction between volunteers,
students, and teachers, as well as the possibilities of using volunteering to activate patriotic initiatives and
engage in national-patriotic activities. The conclusions drawn from the analysis may be valuable for
educators and researchers working in the field of higher education and the training of future educators.

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