The article deals with the speech culture as one of the main criteria for the professional suitability of any
specialist. It is emphasized that students of the educational and professional program – future historians,
consultants on history, travel, archaeologists, teachers – are required to have a high level of literary language.
Such a sign of speech culture as correctness was analyzed, the most typical violations of language norms by
applicants were considered, the ways to eliminate these errors during the study of the "Ukrainian language (for
professional orientation)" discipline were proposed. Attention is focused on dictional and orthographic purity of
speech, difficulties in the process of mastering the lexical richness of the Ukrainian language, its grammar,
stylistics and orthography. It is emphasized that, in addition to academic work, the educational one is also
important for the speech culture formation. It is noted that scientific and pedagogical workers of the
humanitarian departments of higher education institutions should in every possible way involve students in the
study of folklore, folk traditions, life and activities of outstanding personalities of science, technology and
culture, using for this purpose the works of classics and modern Ukrainian writers. It is emphasized that at
UEPA the teachers of the Local History and Tourism, Social and Humanities Department annually hold the Ukrainian language Olympiads, the first stage of the Petro Yatsik International Ukrainian Language
Competition and Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literary Competition for Pupils and Students,
events for the Day of the Ukrainian writing and language, etc. It was concluded that without deep knowledge of
the language, in particular its phonetic system, lexical structure, grammatical structure and stylistic properties, a
modern specialist in the field of local history and tourism work is not be able to perform complex professional
tasks and be competitive in the labor market. Oral and written speech of applicants should be objective,
convincing in content, logical, civilized, bright in form, and above all – correct.

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