"The role of the Military-Social Work discipline in the future professional activity of civil-military cooperation service specialists"
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civil society
civil-military cooperation
military social environment
military-social work
military personnel
higher military education

How to Cite

Myalo , V. (2023). "The role of the Military-Social Work discipline in the future professional activity of civil-military cooperation service specialists" . Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (78). https://doi.org/10.32820/2074-8922-2023-78-90-98


This study focuses on identifying the significance of the Military-Social Work discipline in fostering
civil-military cooperation and facilitating effective practices in military-social work. The modern views of
scientists on the state of social security of servicemen and members of their families, as well as the
experience of military-social work in Ukraine, are analyzed. The potential for establishing adequate social
support for servicemen and their families through civil-military cooperation to enhance the efficacy in the
military sphere is examined. It is emphasized that the military social environment has a serious impact on
well-being, physical and psychological health, work capacity and the formation of a clear system of values of
military personnel. In this connection, the main problems faced by military personnel and their family
members are considered. The main directions and principles on which military social work is based are
analyzed. It is concluded that military social work is important for the development of effective approaches,
forms, technologies and methods of social management in the National Guard of Ukraine. It is concluded
that the discipline of Military-Social Work plays an important role in the formation of social competence of
future officers. The article aims to consolidate the accumulated experience in social work and the development of social competence for its efficient application among military personnel and their families,
drawing from both domestic and international historical perspectives. It further explores the potential
application of this experience within the context of civil-military cooperation. The article defines the types,
forms and content of social work carried out by state and non-state social services in the community, as well
as military-social work with servicemen and their family members. The article examines the possibilities of
using and combining resources available in Ukraine today to improve social standards and provide social
guarantees to servicemen and their family members. The necessity of cultivating social competence among
future officers through the study of Military-Social Work is substantiated.

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