The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of education of future teachers in
the conditions of digitalization of education. The strategic goal of the pedagogical concept of the education of
future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education is determined, namely the improvement of the
system of higher pedagogical education of Ukraine based on the analysis of the concepts available in Ukraine,
which relate to the educational sector. A unified framework of the hierarchy of goals of the general strategic
goal and a framework of the hierarchy of goals of the general strategic goal of the pedagogical concept of
education of future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education have been developed. The first goal
means improving the education of future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education, and its goals
are to increase the level of professional training, increase the level of education of future teachers, promote
development and self-development; the second goal means the development of a pedagogical concept for the
education of future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education with such goals as development of
an instructional concept, development of a management concept, development of a system concept, and
development of a practical-utilitarian concept. Achieving the specified goals will contribute to solving the tasks
of the pedagogical concept of educating future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education and improving the quality of education in general. The regularities of the education of future teachers in the
conditions of digitalization of education have been revealed, namely the regularity of the selection of
prospective directions of the methodology of the researched phenomenon for the effective professional
development of future teachers; regularity of the result of the educational genesis of the personality of the
future teacher; the regularity of the integration of formal, informal and informal education, the regularity of the
determination of education for the professional development of future teachers; the regularity of the rapid
introduction of innovative educational technologies into the educational process. The revealed specific
regularities of the education of future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education are key factors in
both theoretical and practice-oriented development of this pedagogical concept.

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