The article reveals the properties of leadership and leadership qualities, considers the terms
“leadership” and “leadership competence”, provides the passport of leadership competences of a
vocational training teacher developed on the basis of state standard 015 specialty (Vocational Education)
of the first and second levels of higher education. K.K. Platonov on the structure of human personality and
N.V. Kuzmina on the pedagogical system, a matrix of personal qualities of a leader was developed and
In the second half of the twentieth century, business leaders faced the problem that employees
started attaching less importance to financial incentives for their work. Since then, personnel management
techniques have increasingly been relying on the corporate culture and psychological climate in teams,
which all depend on the presence of leaders in them. Leaders are able to influence people and organize
their work around themselves without resorting to administrative management methods. In this regard,
leadership is relevant and important to study and develop for a number of sciences, including pedagogy, psychology, theory and practice of management, sociology, political science, history and behavioral
Nowadays, systems and methods of human resource management are becoming increasingly
important, with a special place among belonging to leadership competence. It is the vocational education
teacher who prepares the working potential of the country, on which the well-being and economic power of
our nation depend. That is why special requirements apply to graduates of engineering and pedagogical
specialties, because the vocational education teacher is the organizer of both the production and training
processes. It is impossible to effectively carry out this organizational function and be a good example to
follow without the ability to be a leader who is able to clearly set goals for themselves and others they are
responsible for.
Prospects for further research in this area concern the opportunity to improve the training of future
teachers of vocational education through honing their leadership skills.

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