The article is devoted to the analysis of the main motives for learning foreign languages by future
specialists in agricultural engineering. The article considers the importance of a foreign language in training
highly qualified specialists in the agricultural sector to expand professional contacts, free exchange of
information, diverse and systematic communication, quality education, and, consequently, prestigious highly
paid job. The relevance of the article is conditioned by the need to train future specialists in agricultural
engineering, whose competitiveness is determined not only by their high qualification in the field of
production, but also willingness to solve professional and industrial problems in foreign language
communication. It was determined that the use of modern advanced technologies, interactive teaching
methods and tools in the educational process plays an important role in the formation of positive motivation
of students, and the main mover in learning foreign languages are the motives that motivate future
agricultural engineers to learn foreign languages, and also plays an important role in the acquisition of
knowledge in specialized disciplines. The analysis of research and publications on the ways and methods of
the formation of motives in educational activities of higher education students while studying foreign
languages was conducted. The concepts of "motive" and "motivation" and their impact on improving the efficiency of learning foreign language material in foreign language classes are explained. The types of
motivations for learning foreign languages are singled out. The main motives that have a significant impact
on the active acquisition of knowledge of foreign languages are analyzed. According to the results of a
questionnaire that was conducted at the graduate courses of the Higher education institution «Podillia State
University», the motives of future specialists in agricultural engineering in the study of foreign languages in
the learning process are analyzed. As it turned out, the vast majority of graduate students studied a foreign
language in order to find an interesting and promising highly paid job.

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