The paper presents materials highlighting important and current problems of training masters of
vocational education for the oil and gas industry in various aspects of scientific and educational activities.
The relationship between the conditions of innovative development of the oil and gas industry and its
personnel support is also covered in the paper. The requirements for employment of specialists in the oil and
gas industry are analyzed, and it is shown how they are taken into account in the preparation of masters in
the educational program “Professional Education (Oil and Gas)” of the second master’s level of higher
education. The relevance of the development and implementation of the system of training educational
personnel for the industry is also justified. The results of the analysis of the educational program are
presented, and the experience of training students in accordance with this program at Ukrainian Engineering
Pedagogics Academy is summarized. The structure and content of the educational program is analyzed. The
features and uniqueness of the educational program are shown. It is demonstrated that the interests and
suggestions of stakeholder groups were taken into account when formulating the goals and program
outcomes of the educational program in the contexts of the industry and region specifics. The paper
demonstrates that the goals and program results of the educational program reflect trends in the development
of the specialty and the job market. It is also highlighted that the educational program allows achieving
educational results that meet the requirements of the National Framework of qualifications and are defined
by the standard of higher education. The mechanisms of forming an individual educational trajectory of
higher education students according to the educational program are presented. The structural and logical
scheme of the educational program is exhibited; its implementation in the educational process is justified.
The paper analyzes the particularities of the development and implementation of the vocational education
system for the oil and gas industry, formulates and summarizes the scientific and educational results that
were obtained by the authors during the implementation of the project.

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