

engineering student
English teaching for specific purpose
professional competence
speech activity
communicative competence
dialogic speech

How to Cite

Podorozhna , A. (2021). ENGLISH TEACHING FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE AT A HIGHER ENGINEERING INSTITUTION: TEACHING MODEL OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (68), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.32820/2074-8922-2020-68-51-59


The characteristics of the foreign language professional-oriented training of future engineer-teachers
are defined in this article.
Contemporary approach of English teaching for specific purpose involves the development of foreign
language communicative skills of students in certain professional, business, scientific spheres and situations
according to the characteristics of professional thinking, when organizing incentive-motivational and targetresearch activity. This is indeed a fundamental departure from language teaching for general educational
purposes and socialization in education processes. However, English teaching for specific purpose of
engineering students at higher school is not limited to learning «language for specific purpose». There are
some certain features common to specific to the different contexts of language use, which students are likely
to face in real communicative situations. However, it was necessary to take into consideration that functional
lexis and grammar proficiency cannot sufficiently compensate for the lack of knowledge and skills, to enable
implementation of activities that is insufficient development of communicative competence.
The difficulties of the foreign language professional-oriented training in engineering and pedagogical
higher educational establishments are considered and the methods of their resolving are proposed in this article
The model of foreign-language oral speech teaching concerning to the specialty is offered, the examples of
exercises, directed to the speech skills and abilities development, and the abilities forming of creative
reconsideration of the text are given. Based on what the main goal of English teaching for special purpose is to
develop not only speech, but also professional-communicative skills, the exercises on the development, training
and firmly establishing foreign language skills and abilities have to be situational, information-intensive, and
time-consuming, create the conditions for foreign language communication in the professional context. Various
types of exercises can be put in place in the process of English teaching for special purpose of engineering
students, what entails the potential for creative potential of a teacher as well as students.
According to the article, the essence of English teaching for specific purpose of engineering students is
to integrate it with special disciplines in order to gain additional professional knowledge and to develop such
personal qualities, necessary for future vocational activity, to develop communicative skills of students, to help
them realize professional contacts in English in various fields and situations; with the aim of optimizing
professional-oriented training and successful development of communicative-projecting skills it is necessary to
develop and apply new training modules on specialty, providing the realization of professional-oriented foreign
language training and motivation encouragement of engineering students at higher education institution.
