The essence and content of innovative activity in general and in higher education institutions in
particular are analyzed. It is determined that pedagogical innovation can be considered as the end result of
innovation, which is embodied in the form of a new content, method, form of organization of the educational
process or an improved learning tool that is used in practical activities, or in a new approach to educational
services. The classification of pedagogical innovations is offered; in particular innovations are classified by
types of activity; by the nature of the changes made; by the scale of the changes; by the scale of use; by the
source of their origin, etc. It is proved that the main goal of introducing innovations in the educational space
of higher education institutions is to improve the quality of formal training of specialists. One of the means
to achieve it in modern conditions is to "instill" an innovative culture in students. The above suggests the
need for introducing an innovative approach into the basis of the process of formation of professional and
pedagogical competence, which is ensured by the implementation in the process of formal training of
students of engineering and pedagogical higher education institutions of a number of principles, in particular
innovative orientation of educational progress, interdisciplinary integration, target unity, general professional
orientation, unity of theory and practice, continuity, intensification and optimization of education, personal
students’ advances, advanced studies, etc. It is determined that the process of forming innovative culture of
an individual in the system of engineering and pedagogical higher education institutions should be
considered in the unity of the innovative culture of the teacher, student and educational process management
subjects. And the innovative orientation of professional and pedagogical competence of a specialist is
achieved as a result of complex changes in all the components of the holistic structure of the educational
process, which together ensure the individual’s readiness and aptitude for innovative activities.