The article is devoted to the problem of managing the organization of methodological work in
institutions of higher education basing on innovative principles.
The article theoretically substantiates the stages of the development of the organization of
methodological work in higher educational institutions; reveals the essence of management of the
organization of methodological work in higher medical educational institutions; identifies structural
components and main characteristics of this organization; suggests criteria for effective organization of
methodological work in higher education institutions: an innovative model of management of
methodological work organization in higher education institutions has been developed and partially tested;
the article also presents a set of specially created psychological and pedagogical conditions which are
expected to increase the effectiveness of methodological work in institutions of higher education together
with the implementation of professional multilayer teacher training.
The article highlights that the developed innovative model of managing the organization of
methodological work in institutions of higher medical education can be practically applied by the heads of
methodological services of higher education institutions of various types and forms of ownership.