″Facilitative approach in the process of developing research competence of future Doctors of Philosophy in the system of postgraduate education″


Doctor of Philosophy
facilitative approach
scientific research competence
interactive methods of teaching

How to Cite

Oliinyk, I. V. (2018). ″Facilitative approach in the process of developing research competence of future Doctors of Philosophy in the system of postgraduate education″. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (56-57), 177–188. Retrieved from https://jped.uipa.edu.ua/index.php/JPED/article/view/172


The present paper explains the role of the facilitative approach in the process of developing
research competence of future Doctors of Philosophy within the system of postgraduate education
and analyzes definitions of the terms "facilitation" and "facilitative method" currently existing in
pedagogical and psychological studies. The article describes the most effective methods of
facilitation, which ensure the development of cognitive activity, practical research skills, scientific
and research abilities, creativity. Among such methods the author of the present work highlights
the following ones: ―Open Space‖ Technology, ―International Café‖ and ―Grape Cocktail‖
Technologies, Dynamic Facilitation, Graphic Facilitation, Appreciative Inquiry, Scamper
Technology, ―Six Hats‖ Method, ―635‖ Method, Classic Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, Delfi
Method, Walt Disney Strategy, Cluster Assembly Method, Web-Quest (Educational Web-Quest),
―Five ‗Whys?‘‖ Method, Fishbone Method (Fish Skeleton).