Definition of learning approaches of future process engineers of food industry

Ключові слова

food industry engineer
person-centered approach
system approach
competence approach
learning objectives
professionally important qualities

Як цитувати

Lazareva, T., & Rybakova, O. (2018). Definition of learning approaches of future process engineers of food industry. Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, (52-53), 294–301. вилучено із


In the article claims-centered, active, systematic and qualified approach to training future
engineers the food industry. Determined that the study should be directed to the formation of
identity, self-development and self-realization of future professionals develop their intelligence,
thought, imagination, memory and ability to hold receptions mental activity. The content of
education should be developed specific to the food industry, with emphasis on the formation of
action on stereotypical professional activities, diagnostic and heuristic levels. As is training future
engineers the food industry is a system formed of subsystems presentation and learning and their
own food production technologies are the system because the training of future engineers the food
industry is important to consider the principles of the system approach.
Also, the article analyzes and formed a purpose of training future professionals of the food
industry, and identified requirements for professional-important qualities of future specialists.