This article is analysed the investigation condition and problem of culture professional
communication formation for engineer-pedagogical specialty students. A concept "the culture of
professional communication of future teacher-engineers of a transport industry" is defined as an
integral formation personality that provides a process of information exchange and achievement of
optimal cooperation of its participants. It is characterized the totality of loop invariant and
variation knowledge and abilities of professional communication realization, where the variation is determined by these specialists types of professional activity and personality qualities complex
that provide the professional communication process.
The content and structure of phenomenon «the professional communication culture» are
analysed. It was proposed with different scientists and it gives the chance to dedicate its
components: motivational- valued, cognitive, activity approach, personality.
The every component characteristic of culture professional communication of future
teacher-engineers of transport industry is given. The motivational- valued component shows the
professional communication orientation, motivation and interest foe its realization, an interest in
professional cooperation, the determination of communication culture as personality value; the
cognitive component comprises loop invariant knowledge of process realization for the
professional communication and variant knowledge for its actions by the types of teacher-engineer
professional activity; the activity approach is characterized the complex of loop invariant skills for
the realization of professional communication process and variation skills for its realization by the
types of professional activity for teacher-engineers of transport industry; the personality represents
the humanist attitude of teacher to the interlocutor, tolerance, empathy, reflection, capacity for selfcontrol.