The article presents a critical analysis of the process to ensure the quality of education at
the present stage of scientific and economic development of Ukraine. The main problems in
ensuring the quality of higher education are tasked and solve them. We consider the European
system of quality assurance, objectives and requirements for the quality of higher education, and
European quality standards, which are the basis of its functioning. On the basis of analytical study
systematically the basic requirements and the direction of the implementation of European
standards in the educational space of the university as a separate division responsible for the
training of future engineers-teachers, namely "Graduate Department". It is proposed to distribute
the educational work done by "Graduate Department" in areas of implementation of European
standards of higher education. On the basis of the suggested directions presented ways for
improving educational activities with stakeholders position (student, teacher, employer, providing
staff). Presents advantages in the implementation of educational activities units "Graduate
Department" in the preparation of future engineers-teachers, in accordance with the directions of
quality assurance in accordance with the European standards of higher education.