Transformational changes in society, social and political realities caused the education system of
Ukraine to function mainly online. The lack of a general psychological and pedagogical theory of remote
learning makes it urgent to search for ways to improve the quality of learning through the creation and
harness of information and communication technologies that provide a solution to the problems arising in
online studying. The article presents a study of the process of teaching physics to students of IT specialties in
remote learning and reasoning of the methods of using computer tools and information and communication
technologies in the studying process. The differences between the remote form of studying and distance
learning have been explained, the peculiarities of the students have been clarified, the specifics of physics as
a fundamental educational subject and a component of the professional training of future specialists in the
field of computer engineering in the context of remote learning have been revealed. Based on the content of
the discipline and the types of learning and teaching activities, the selection criteria, expediency of
development and methods of usage of information and communication technologies for solving the certain
didactic tasks are substantiated. There were proposed methods of usage dynamic computer presentations for the delivering theoretical material and providing analytical symbolic activity; an interactive board for the
organization of students' practice work and the physics problems solving; software for computer simulation
of physical processes to acquire skills of doing computer experiments; electronic templates with an
automated checkup function for representation the results of students’ independent work; computer testing as
the basis for monitoring of students learning activity.

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