This article considered the component of professional competence - information and technological
competence, which provides effective work of the teacher in the new information society.
The concept of "competence" and "competence", "professional teacher competence", "information
competence" and "information and technological competence" are analyzed.
The essence of informational and technological competence, which is a new direction, which arose
directly under the influence of new information technologies and creation of electronic information
technologies, was determined.
It is noted that the importance of its formation is exacerbated by the rapid development of information
and communication technologies, the transformation of our society into information, that is, in a society in
which most workers are busy receiving, processing, storing and delivering information. An instructor of any
subject discipline should provide students with an example of applying information technology, engaging
them with effective methods and means of working with information, thus preparing for life and activities in
the information society.
The emphasis is placed on the fact that the information and technology competence represents the
teacher's ability to effectively apply information and communication technologies not only for the
preparation of methodical and didactic material for his subject, but to know and use their capabilities in
designing a class, which is impossible without knowledge of the features of the didactic cycle and its
implementation in the educational process. Therefore, information and technology competence is an integral
part of the professional teacher competence.