The article is devoted to the study of the adaptive system of professional training of master‟s students
specializing in management of educational institutions. The study proves the necessity of transition from the
traditional system of training Master‟s degree students to the new adaptive one, which makes it possible to
create a favorable environment for their professional and personal development, acquisition of experience of
substantive activity, communication, self-knowledge, and self-organization. The article considers the
concepts of "pedagogical system", "educational system", "adaptability", and "adaptive pedagogical system".
The features of the adaptive system of Master‟s degree training, its purpose and content are singled out.
The article presents the cycle of transformation of the adaptive system of training Master‟s degree
students specializing in management of educational institutions, which includes five consecutive stages.
With each new task, the cycle is repeated. At the presented stages of the transformation of the adaptive
system of Master‟s degree training there is an algorithm for specific actions that create an adaptive
educational environment and lead students to achieve the goal, provide an individual growth vector aiming at
self-organization and self-development. The author suggests creating models of adaptive behavior of
Master‟s students specializing in management from the virtual position of a manager (management mix). The
author states that due to such management mix, an individual adaptive script for Master‟s training is created,
but each student chooses the script that suits him/her more personally, according to the situation, and is able
to “customize” it.
The process of functioning of the adaptive system of training of Masters specializing in management
of educational institutions has proved the necessity of conducting monitoring research with the help of the
development of special measuring tools in the form of qualimetric models which allow tracing the
effectiveness of studying a separate topic or training master‟s students during the semester.
The results of monitoring the efficiency of the transformation cycle of the adaptive system of training
Master‟s students specializing in management of educational institutions confirm the two-way and cyclic
nature of the adaptation: " educational system → individual characteristics of students" and "students →
educational system", which results in their qualitative personal changes which influence – yet again –
changes in the environment.