Personality-oriented teaching as a paradigm for the training of future engineers-pedagogues
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personality-oriented learning
personality development

How to Cite

Burbiga, V. A. (2018). Personality-oriented teaching as a paradigm for the training of future engineers-pedagogues. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (54-55), 18–26. Retrieved from


The article is devoted to one of the important psychological and pedagogical problems which is the theoretical substantiation of the peculiarities of the use of personality-orientededucation in the process of preparing future engineers-pedagogues for the teaching activity.

The research results proved that the orientation towards the development of the futureengineer-pedagogue as a personality, individuality and active subject of professional activity canbe realized only on the humanistic-democratic basis of pedagogical activity of the higher educationteacher, which is increasingly gaining the character of dialogue, cooperation, co-creation with theprevailing mutually interesting exchange of personal views and experience between the teacherand students. Such organization of professional training of future engineers-pedagogues is calledpersonality-oriented.

The author states that in the most general form the purpose of personality-orientedvocational training in engineering and pedagogical educational institutions can be defined as thecreation of certain conditions that would contribute to the development of personal qualities ofstudents through acquisition of the components of the content of education.

The organization of the educational process in the engineering and pedagogical institutionson the personality-oriented basis should create the conditions for the full development of functionswhich are vitally important for the organization of the teaching and learning process of highereducational institutions.

Special attention is drawn to the fact that the introduction of personality-oriented teachingand learning technologies requires that teachers participate and get involved even more actively inorder to prepare the content of the study materials, to choose types of activities for students, toprepare tasks for selection, to organize various forms of work at the lesson, taking into account theamount of educational material, the level of difficulty in accordance with learning opportunities ofstudents, the extent of teachers’ help to students, the ability to empathize with each student in theclassroom and outside it.

But at the same time personality-oriented lessons are a valuableperspective experience of pedagogical science, space for teachers’ and students’ creativity, acombination of various forms and methods of teaching, powerful techniques of activatingstudents’ cognitive activity, etc.

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