Formation of scientific research competence of future engineers-pedagoges of higher educational institutions
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research activity
special course
research competence

How to Cite

Paiunova, A. (2018). Formation of scientific research competence of future engineers-pedagoges of higher educational institutions. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (58), 36–41. Retrieved from


The research is devoted to the topical issue which is the development of scientific research
competence of future engineers-teachers of higher educational establishments. The article presents the results of the pilot study among the 2nd and 3rd year students at the Educational Scientific
Professional-Pedagogical Institute of Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
(Bakhmut). The basic objectives of research activity of future engineers-teachers at higher
educational institutions are defined in the present work. The author regards students’ research
competence as a process of mastering professional competences, and suggests conditions for
improving the process of developing future engineers-teachers’ relevant skills. The article also
presents the structure of scientific research competence of future engineers-teachers of higher
educational institutions. A number of problems, which occur at different stages and impede the
effective organization of students’ research activity, have been investigated, namely material,
technical, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological.

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