″Training of future railway workers in Germany: educational activity of Doutche Bahn AG″


інноваційні профорієнтаційні заходи
майбутні залізничники
модель підготовки
дуальна система підготовки

How to Cite

Baglaj, V. (2018). ″Training of future railway workers in Germany: educational activity of Doutche Bahn AG″. Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, (56-57), 19–24. Retrieved from http://jped.uipa.edu.ua/index.php/JPED/article/view/146


Presently in Germany, as well as in other countries of Western Europe, there is an adverse
demographic situation which is caused by the decrease and aging of the native local population. It
has negatively affected the results of work of one of the most powerful national railway operators
of Germany – Doutche Bahn AG. Under such circumstances vocational training of future railway
workers, vocational counselling of the young and their acquaintance with the geography of railway
trades have become of crucial importance for successful development of the railway transport of
the country. The article explains that the innovative vocational counseling measures used by
Doutche Bahn AG are entirely comprehensible to the selection system typical of vocational
educational institutions of Ukraine which specialize in railway engineering. Both models of
training future railway workers, which exist today in Germany (the classical model of vocational
training of the young and the model of training of railway workers from among the unemployed
who have technical education), can be applied successfully in Ukraine. Target vocational training
of future railway workers is carried out in educational institutions of Germany basing on the model
of the professional activity of future experts which incorporates elements of the dual system of
vocational training and is considered rather promising in domestic vocational technical educational
institutions which specialize in railway engineering.