Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education 2024-09-04T16:48:39+03:00 Максименко Open Journal Systems <p><strong>By the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the collection of scientific papers “Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education” has been approved in category "Б" in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in the field of pedagogical sciences (specialty – 011, 015).</strong></p> <p>In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 17, 2020 No.409 “On the approval of decisions of the Attestation board of the Ministry on compiling the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine dated February 26 and March 6, 2020 and amending the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 11, 2019 No.975” the collection of scientific papers “Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education” of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in category “Б” in the field of pedagogical sciences (specialty – 011, 015).</p> <p>The editorial Board of the journal invites for publication of articles of scientists, graduate students, lecturers.</p> <p><strong>Manuscript languages: Ukrainian, English.</strong><br /><strong>Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year.</strong><br /><strong>Founded: 2001.</strong><br /><strong>ISSN 2074-8930 (online), 2074-8922 (print).</strong></p> <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Перевод" aria-label="Переведенный текст" data-ved="2ahUKEwiXi9jM0riGAxWlAxAIHddoEBcQ3ewLegQIBRAU"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Registered by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting as an entity in the field of media - print media. Media ID/License Number: R30-02388</span></pre> ʺModern approaches to the formation of healthy lifestyle values in future vocational teachersʺ 2024-09-04T14:13:59+03:00 R. Dovgal <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of modern approaches to the formation of healthy lifestyle values<br>in future vocational teachers, which are relevant in today's conditions. The work aims to deepen the<br>understanding of the processes of forming healthy lifestyle values in future teachers and to promote the<br>development of effective training programs in this area.<br>A healthy lifestyle is considered as one that contributes to the development of physical, mental,<br>emotional abilities and harmonious development of the individual. The paper discusses the main theoretical<br>foundations of healthy lifestyle formation, its support and popularization. Attention is focused on the<br>research of the impact of a healthy lifestyle on the professional activities of teachers in the context of their<br>physical activity, proper nutrition and stress management.<br>The concepts of “healthy lifestyle” and “value of healthy lifestyle” for vocational teachers are<br>characterized. The health-forming function of education is defined, which makes it possible to systematically influence the health of students and teachers through the educational process and the educational<br>environment of the educational institution.<br>The relationship between health and professional activity of a teacher is shown, the factors that can<br>improve the performance of a teacher, reduce the risk of burnout and improve interaction with students are<br>characterized.<br>The article presents scientific concepts and theories for the formation of healthy lifestyle values in<br>future teachers: socio-psychological concept, pedagogical health technology, self-regulation theory,<br>ecological pedagogy, theory of positive learning. Modern approaches (systemic, integrative, structured,<br>practice-oriented, communicative, innovative) to the formation of healthy lifestyle values in future teachers<br>are characterized.<br>Scientific concepts, theories and approaches are identified as the main ones for the development of<br>appropriate programs and strategies for the formation of healthy lifestyle values in future vocational teachers.<br>The activities that may include such programs and strategies are characterized, as well as the principles that<br>should be taken into account when developing them. The obstacles that may arise on the way to the<br>formation of healthy lifestyle values are presented. The methods that can be used to evaluate the<br>effectiveness of the implementation and implementation of programs and strategies for the formation of<br>health values in future vocational teachers are listed.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺManagement competence as a determinant of professional training of pedagogical education mastersʺ 2024-09-04T14:39:42+03:00 V. Kovalskaya O. Ohryzko <p>The article proves the need for masters of pedagogical education to possess management competence<br>in the context of active changes in the national education system, requirements for effective use of resources<br>and the introduction of innovative approaches in the turbulent educational environment, actualization of<br>intangible production in the modern information society. According to the results of the study, the<br>management competence of masters of pedagogical education is defined as an integrated personality quality,<br>which includes a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities necessary for the successful<br>management of the educational process at various levels, the introduction of innovative pedagogical<br>technologies in order to achieve high-quality results in training and development of students. The structure of<br>management competence of masters of pedagogical education is singled out, which consists of the following<br>components: cognitive (a system of knowledge that students must master: modern theories and practices of<br>management in education, the basics of financial management, strategic planning; methods of assessing the<br>quality of education and using these data to improve managerial decisions, practical methods of effective<br>management in conditions of uncertainty, modern approaches and methods of managing the quality of<br>education), activity (a system of communicative and organizational skills that ensure the ability of students to implement effective management activities), personal (a set of managerial traits and qualities, including<br>adaptability, initiative, creativity, energy, mobility, desire for success, emotional intelligence, readiness for<br>change, strategic thinking, self-improvement, tolerance, balance, responsibility). The importance of<br>integrating the process of formation of management competence into the professional training of masters of<br>pedagogical education, which will have a positive effect on its quality, has been established.&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺModern technology of distance learning in the system of professional training in the conditions of military aggressionʺ 2024-09-04T14:58:50+03:00 Н. Ponomarova S. Bieliaiev <p>The article presents the results of the analysis of distance learning technology, which is used in higher<br>education institutions of Ukraine in conditions of military aggression. An analysis of the compliance of the<br>new distance learning technology with the main methodological approaches to which the educational process<br>should comply, taking into account the current requirements for its organization, was carried out. The main<br>idea is the need to use the requirements of a systematic, person-oriented and competency-based approach in<br>education.</p> <p>The results of the analysis of the changes that have taken place in the education system since 2020<br>are presented as the reaction of the education system to external requirements for the quality of the<br>educational process. The factors that contributed to the emergence of new approaches to the organisation of<br>the educational process are analysed. Quarantine restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as<br>military aggression, were identified as such factors.<br>Based on a comparison of the procedure for the introduction of a new technology of distance<br>learning with the distance technology of the organising the educational process known at the end of the 20th<br>century, their general similarity has been established. The compliance of the new distance learning<br>technology with the basic requirements of systemic, person-oriented and competence-based approaches to<br>the organization of the educational process has been proven. An analysis of the components of the new<br>distance learning technology was carried out.<br>Among the new properties of distance learning technology are those that provide an opportunity to<br>obtain quality education in the new conditions of professional training. New approaches to the organization<br>of the educational process using distance learning technology have been identified. They consist of a<br>combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Based on the study of the peculiarities of the<br>organising the educational process in institutions of higher education, it is established that students have the<br>opportunity to use online and offline learning. The specific properties of the new technology of distance<br>learning effectively ensure the formation of an individual educational trajectory of students. They give<br>students the opportunity to choose a convenient time for studying and to combine work and study. The use of<br>remote communication and e-mail makes it possible to quickly get advice from the teacher.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺTheoretical and Practical Aspects of Forming the Rhetorical Competence of Future Historians-Guidesʺ 2024-09-04T15:34:20+03:00 O. Chuieshkova <p>The article deals with the study of rhetorical competence as a professionalism key component of future<br>historians-guides, the stages of its formation and their content are discussed. The definitions of the "rhetoric",<br>"eloquence", "oratory"basic terms, which in the context of the study are used as synonyms and explained as<br>the science of persuasion by means of language, are clarified; the concepts of "rhetorical culture", "rhetorical<br>activity", "rhetorical skills" are also analyzed.<br>The understanding of rhetorical competence as a complex set of rhetorical knowledge, practical skills,<br>ways of critical and creative thinking, which determines the ability of future specialists to successfully and<br>effectively interact with other subjects of communication, to achieve professional and life success is proposed. It is emphasized that rhetorical competence can be considered formed if students know the<br>scientific foundations of public speaking; methods of preparing a public speech; the main criteria for<br>evaluating a public speech; means of active verbal influence on the audience; be able to prepare and deliver a<br>speech, taking into account all aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication; take into account the<br>composition of the audience when preparing and delivering a speech; have the skills to communicate with<br>the audience; analyze the structural construction of the speech; characterize the rhetorical devices used in the<br>speech; evaluate and analyze the speeches listened to.<br>The formation of the rhetorical competence of history students studying the "Local History and<br>Tourism Work" educational and professional program is traced on the material of the "Eloquence in the<br>Professional Activity of a Historian-Guide"elective discipline, which aims to improve the skills of effective<br>professional communication; to cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's own speech actions, speech<br>culture; to promote awareness of the rhetorical foundations of the historian-guide speech. The preparatory,<br>communicative, control and reflection stages of rhetorical competence formation are considered in detail.<br>It is emphasized that the formation of rhetorical competence is a necessary and important component<br>in the training of history students. Mastering rhetorical competence will allow them to argue their own<br>opinion, persuade, skillfully use the word, and therefore succeed in their future professional activities.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education THE ROLE OF PEER OBSERVATION AND PEER REVIEW IN THE PROFESSIONAL FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN AND BRITISH HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHERS 2024-09-04T13:11:47+03:00 Y. Belmaz T. Otroshko <p>In the article peer observation and peer review are defined as effective forms of professional<br>development of higher education teachers. For illustrative purpose experience of the USA and Great Britain<br>is given.<br>In defining the concept of "professional development", the works of American and British teachers<br>who use different definitions are analysed: "professional development", "career development", "staff<br>development", etc.<br>It is noted that professional development is usually seen as a process aimed at improving skills through<br>formal or informal learning. Professional development should be related to the needs of the individual and be<br>consistent with the current situation in society and education.<br>The authors emphasise that peer observation and peer evaluation as a form of professional<br>development of higher education teachers are increasingly used in higher education institutions in the USA<br>and the UK, receiving support from organisations involved in improving the quality of learning and teaching<br>in higher education.<br>The paper emphasises that peer observation is not a control or critical evaluation of teaching activities.<br>It is seen as a support system and a means of professional development of the teaching staff.<br>The advantages of peer observation are analysed both for those teachers who are observers and for<br>those whose classes are observed.<br>The authors note that there are formative (developmental) and summative (for solving personnel<br>issues) peer observation.<br>In the process of peer observation, three stages can be distinguished: preparatory (instruction),<br>observation as such, or attendance at a class, and final (feedback and analysis). The article analyses all of<br>these stages in detail, emphasising the importance of each of them. Particular emphasis is placed on<br>feedback, without which it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of peer observation.<br>As an example, the article provides recommendations for visiting, observing and analysing classes<br>during a peer observation at Keele University and the Center for Effective Learning and Teaching at North<br>Carolina State University.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺStructure and essence of professional competence of the teacher of construction disciplines: relevant approaches to definition and formationʺ 2024-09-04T13:35:30+03:00 D. Ametsynsky <p>In article the way of a solution which consists in existence of the latest requirements to competence of<br>teachers of those who train future builders at different steps of system of professional education, on the one<br>hand, and lack of the modern, updated idea of such competence, with another is considered. Identification of<br>relevant approaches to definition and formation of structure and essence of professional competence of the<br>teacher of construction disciplines allows to solve in general this problem and problems which follow from<br>it. However, it still did not become the leading direction of pedagogical researches yet. According to a goal<br>in article the methodological approaches concerning training of specialists of a construction profile were<br>considered criteria of formation of professional competence of experts of a construction profile are revealed,<br>the structure of professional competence of the teacher of construction disciplines is developed. The<br>conducted researches gave the chance to mark out the following criteria of formation of professional<br>competence of experts of a construction profile: motivational and valuable; cognitive; activity. Also were to<br>determine levels of formation of professional competence of builders: reproductive, reconstructive,<br>productive, creative and the levels of professional skill corresponding to them: elementary, basic, high,<br>creative. The author drew a valid conclusion that structure of professional competence of the teacher of construction disciplines according to which all of competence distributed on two groups, has such<br>components in each group: 1) in construction (subject) area – special and professional, all-technical,<br>information, research, legal, ecological, esthetic; 2) in the field of pedagogics, psychology and a technique:<br>psychological, pedagogical, methodical, common cultural, administrative, communicative, language.<br>The author considers the perspective directions of further researches development of motivational<br>technologies for teachers of construction disciplines and identification of pedagogical conditions of<br>formation of competence of the teacher of construction disciplines in the course of his preparation.&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ″The role of a career development center in working with young people″ 2024-09-04T14:05:22+03:00 М. Vasylieva Ya. Bilash R. Nesterenko <p>The article is devoted to identifying the current challenges to the creation and organization of career<br>centers as an organizational structure designed to provide support to students in finding a job. Based on the<br>analysis of foreign studies, the possibilities of adapting the foreign experience of career centers to domestic<br>realities were clarified.<br>The article analyzes the term “professional career” and its modern interpretation from various<br>scientific perspectives: psychology, sociology, and pedagogy. Modern conditions are changing approaches to<br>the process of building a professional career, in particular for young people. The question of the need to<br>create conditions for the formation of certain competencies of a young person, to help them realize their need<br>and ways to ensure them has led to the search for ways to solve the problem of accompanying a young<br>person in finding a job. It is defined that such support should be comprehensive at all levels: state,<br>institutional, collective and personal.</p> <p>It has been found that at the state level this problem is raised as the main task of youth policy:<br>supporting young people in the implementation of professional development and employment. At the<br>institutional level, it is about creating and organizing the activities of a special organizational structure in a<br>higher education institution. Such a structure is common in foreign higher educational institutions. The<br>effectiveness of its work is confirmed by experience and economic effect.<br>The Professional Career Center is considered as a subdivision, in particular a separate one, of an<br>educational institution, which main purpose is to provide comprehensive support to students and graduates in<br>career development and to provide services and programs for career planning and development. Such<br>services will help students to identify and achieve their career goals. The Career Center serves as a bridge<br>between the educational institution and the labor market, between students and employers. From the<br>standpoint of the activity-based approach to the realization of the professional career of a future specialist,<br>the various forms and directions of the Career Center`s activities are considered.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ''Modern educational trajectories: dual and design education (features, advantages and shortcomings)'' 2024-09-04T14:25:51+03:00 P. Iodkovsky <p>In article such education forms relevant today as education dual and education design are considered.<br>The detailed analysis of scientific works and practice of the higher education allowed to state lack of their<br>comparative analysis, criteria of the choice of this or that option of training, expediency of use of each option<br>according to specific conditions and the identity of the applicant of education. All this did not become a<br>subject of a careful psychology and pedagogical research yet.<br>According to a goal and tasks in article the characteristic of dual and design education was provided,<br>their features are considered, merits and demerits of everyone from these trajectories of education are<br>defined. On this basis the conclusion was drawn that the system of dual preparation is based on partnership<br>of the enterprises (organizations) and educational institutions: the enterprises provide base (a workplace, the<br>equipment, the skilled practicing mentor, etc.), and a higher educational institution - controls the immersion<br>course in a profession and gives the main knowledge. Design education suits future researchers and scientists, innovators, people with considerable professional imagination and thorough scientific preparation<br>more. No format of training of applicants of education does without teachers, but in dual education the<br>teacher performs functions of the mentor, partially - the tutor, and it assists in design training to the<br>maximum development of applicants of education, performing functions of the consultant and mentor,<br>researcher, mentor.<br>The carried-out comparison defined that in the systems of dual and design training there is a large<br>number of coincidence, however there are also essential differences. Common features for both education<br>systems is the fact that within dual and design education any applicant of education does not do without<br>performance of written works: term papers, reports on practice and the degree project which will be surely in<br>an arsenal of each trajectory of education.<br>It is defined that the perspective direction of further researches of this perspective is studying of a<br>ratio of the state needs for the experts trained on both education systems because hardly future scientists it is<br>necessary for the national economy as much, how many and experts experts who are capable to work at a<br>factory and in algoritmizirovanny areas of services. Also there would be expedient a research of<br>opportunities of professional retraining of experts who got a dual education earlier, within design training<br>and vice versa.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺDesigning the educational environment of a higher educational institution on the basis of pedagogical design.ʺ 2024-09-04T14:50:02+03:00 О. Lytvyn Litvinо <p>The article analyzes the principles and features of designing the educational environment of higher<br>education based on pedagogical design, and identifies current trends in the training of future vocational<br>education teachers. The purpose of the article is to identify, substantiate and analyze the features of designing<br>an educational environment of higher education based on pedagogical design in modern conditions for training<br>future vocational teachers. The stages of designing the pedagogical design of the educational environment of<br>higher education in modern conditions were identified and analyzed. The instructional design design model is<br>analyzed. It has been determined that knowledge of the fundamentals of pedagogical design is very important<br>both for teachers working in modern conditions (distance education, modernization of higher education), and<br>for applicants for higher education - studying remotely and sometimes solving the problem of decomposing the<br>proposed system model of future teachers of vocational training. resource provision of the discipline in the<br>mode of independent work Today, pedagogical design is a complex interdisciplinary design and artistic activity<br>that integrates natural, technical, humanitarian knowledge, engineering and artistic thinking, striving on an<br>industrial basis to create a subject world in an extremely large “contact zone” of it with a person in all areas<br>without exception. The central problem of pedagogical design is the creation of a culturally and<br>anthropologically similar objective world, aesthetically assessed as harmonious and holistic. Hence, it is<br>especially important to use, along with engineering, technical and natural knowledge, the means of the<br>humanities - philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology. Thus, pedagogical design can be considered<br>as one of the most important components of the training and retraining of teaching staff, as well as a technology<br>for self-actualization of education seekers implemented in modern conditions.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺSpiritual and moral education of preschool children in the cultural and educational space of a modern preschool education institutionʺ 2024-09-04T15:26:08+03:00 А. Chagovets М. Pyvovarenko <p>The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of spiritual and moral education of the<br>individual starting from the period of preschool childhood. The authors draw attention to the concept of<br>"spirituality" as one of the leading components of personality. It was determined that the modern system of<br>educating preschool children should be based on fundamental guidelines and spiritual and moral values,<br>which include moral, national, civic, family and other values. Based on the study of philosophical and<br>psychological-pedagogical sources, as well as regulatory documents, it has been proven that the problem of<br>raising a highly moral and value-oriented personality is urgent. Based on modern scientific research and<br>methodical psychological and pedagogical literature, the authors note that preschool age is a period when the<br>foundation of personal development is laid, in particular, the formation of the spiritual sphere. In order to<br>increase the level of spiritual upbringing of an individual, it is important to create a suitable space in preschool education institutions. The article reveals the importance of creating a safe and updated cultural<br>and educational space of a modern preschool education institution to ensure positive dynamics of the level of<br>spiritual and moral education of preschool children that meets today's requirements. It is noted that the<br>cultural and educational space of the preschool education institution is formed not only with the help of<br>traditional and already quite familiar means, but also with the help of distance learning means. After all, in<br>today's conditions, the formation of digital literacy and media product consumption skills is gaining<br>importance. Attention is drawn to the fact that the content of the cultural and educational space of a modern<br>preschool education institution should be filled with opportunities for the formation of a number of<br>competencies defined by the Basic component of preschool education. Raising a child takes place during<br>separate types of activities, which in their unity contribute to the achievement of the harmony of the<br>educational process. It was determined that in various forms of work there should be a purposeful increase in<br>the level of spiritual and moral upbringing of the preschooler's personality.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺContent and structural components of ethical and legal culture of future psychologistsʺ 2024-09-04T15:52:29+03:00 V. Yurchenko <p>The article reveals the problem of forming the ethical and legal culture of future psychologists, which<br>is relevant in the light of the formation of a democratic state, overcoming crisis processes in Ukraine, its<br>development taking into account the traditions of domestic spirituality, morality, statehood, and attracting<br>civilized states to the community; This is exactly what a properly organized moral, civil and legal education<br>contributes to, the success of which largely determines the construction of a rule-of-law state and civil<br>society in Ukraine.<br>It is noted that a specialist of the future must have a developed cultural worldview, emotional<br>intelligence, critical thinking, spiritual and moral qualities, speak several languages, and be a citizen and patriot<br>of his country. The content and structural components of the ethical and legal culture of future psychologists<br>are revealed, in particular, epistemological, axiological, behavioral and personal; It is noted that the ethical and<br>legal culture of the future psychologist is an integrative quality of the individual, each component of which is<br>interconnected with others and at the same time is an independent characteristic that performs its functions.The<br>criteria for the ethical and legal culture of the future psychologist are defined as ideological-knowledgeable,<br>motivational-value, activity-reflexive, personal-emotive, which determine: knowledge of the legal, moral and<br>essential features of the future psychologist’s activities; awareness of the relationship between one’s<br>capabilities and professional requirements for a psychologist, his moral principles; value-semantic awareness of<br>the content of the professional activity of a psychologist and his personal acceptance of moral choice;<br>implementation of personal self-regulation in accordance with the value and semantic content of the<br>professional activity of the future psychologist according to his ethical code.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES TO APPLICANTS FOR HIGHER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 2024-09-04T13:28:22+03:00 V. Tupchenko M. Pasichnyk <p>This article offers a comprehensive examination of the theoretical foundations behind innovative<br>technologies for teaching English for specific purposes in technical universities. The text provides a<br>comprehensive overview of advanced and innovative teaching technologies. It offers practical<br>recommendations for implementing these technologies in foreign language classes at an engineering<br>university. Furthermore, it outlines a step-by-step procedure for their implementation and analyzes the<br>outcomes of using these technologies. Lastly, it highlights the future prospects for the technological<br>development of foreign language teaching processes in higher educational institutions.<br>The paper explores various innovative technologies for teaching foreign languages in non-language<br>universities. These technologies include personality-oriented approaches, such as cooperative learning<br>(Student Team Learning, Learning Together, Jigsaw), the technology of prospective-experiential learning,<br>module-block and game technology, as well as problem-based and multilevel learning. The article<br>emphasizes the close interaction of the mentioned technologies, highlighting the vital role of modern English<br>teachers in higher education who apply a diverse range of teaching methods. This approach aims to prevent<br>monotony in language learning, while also diversifying, interesting, and motivating students. Ultimately, it<br>seeks to engage them in an intellectually creative pursuit of self-discovery and self-development. The authors<br>emphasize the major impact of the innovative technologies mentioned and described in this paper on the<br>effective teaching of foreign languages at the university level. It is crucial to emphasize that the availability<br>of necessary resources and equipment is important, but what truly makes a difference is a gifted teacher. A<br>teacher who possesses not only a profound understanding of these technologies but also has the ability to<br>effectively apply them in the educational process, both in theory and, most importantly, in practice.<br>New innovative technologies are now actively used in foreign language classes in higher education.<br>Using these technologies in lessons enhances the educational, informational, and emotional aspects, greatly<br>boosting motivation to learn a foreign language and fostering the essential competencies needed. The<br>technologies mentioned in the article enhance English for specific purposes teaching in technical universities<br>and motivate students, creating a favorable learning environment. The research findings of this study have<br>important practical implications, as they can be effectively applied in both classroom settings and<br>extracurricular activities within the field of foreign language teaching in engineering university.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺPlanning the professional development of the vocational training teacherʺ. 2024-09-04T13:52:38+03:00 N. Bozhko <p>The article is devoted to planning the professional development of a teacher of vocational training. The<br>article focuses attention on the importance of compliance of teachers of professional training, engaged in<br>training qualified personnel for the economy of Ukraine, to the requirements of today. It is noted that it is<br>possible to ensure compliance with today's requirements thanks to the constant development of teachers of<br>professional training.<br>It was determined that the relevance of the professional development of a vocational training teacher is<br>determined by rapid changes in the field of education and technology, the constant development of new<br>training methods, and the use of modern training technologies.<br>The issues of training and professional development of a teacher of vocational training are outlined in<br>accordance with the professional standard "Teacher of vocational training" and "Procedure for improving the<br>qualifications of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers".<br>The definition of the concept of "professional development" and its influence on the trajectory of<br>professional development and career building by a vocational education teacher are characterized.</p> <p>The Diary of professional development of a teacher of vocational training is proposed as a document<br>that allows you to plan your professional development and outline a plan of action. The work functions and<br>professional competences defined by the professional standard "Vocational Education Teacher" are the basis<br>for the development of the Diary. The main purpose of the Vocational Teacher's Professional Development<br>Diary is to systematize and track the main aspects of professional growth. The article considers the main<br>aspects of planning such development, in particular, defining goals, choosing methods and means, as well as<br>overcoming possible obstacles. Practical tips on prioritizing professional development, using resources, and<br>engaging in support are discussed.<br>It is emphasized that the Diary of professional development is a tool that helps the teacher to define his<br>goals, plan actions to achieve them, reflect on his own professional development, as well as analyze and<br>improve his pedagogical practice.<br>The article calls on teachers of vocational training to constantly improve themselves and use<br>opportunities to improve their qualifications.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺPedagogical activity in the context of modern educational policyʺ. 2024-09-04T14:17:53+03:00 K. Durdas <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of pedagogical activity in the context of modern educational<br>policy. The author highlights the key aspects of the interaction between the pedagogical process and<br>educational policy, taking into account current trends and strategies in the field of education. The article<br>discusses the basic principles and objectives of educational policy, the impact of which determines the<br>development of pedagogical activity. Particular attention is paid to the challenges faced by pedagogical staff<br>in connection with changes in the educational system and society as a whole.<br>The author analyzes the concept of “pedagogical activity” contained in the Law of Ukraine “On<br>Education”.<br>The author identifies modern educational strategies and programs aimed at improving the quality of<br>education, developing the subjects of the educational process and solving the problems of modern society.<br>The influence of modern educational strategies and programs on pedagogical activity is characterized, which<br>shows the need for continuous professional growth and adaptation of teachers to modern requirements in the<br>field of education. Some of the ways of adapting pedagogical activity to modern requirements and trends in<br>the field of education are identified.<br>The relationship between educational policy and pedagogical activity, the impact of educational policy<br>and pedagogical activity and vice versa is characterized. The problems faced by teachers in their activities in<br>the context of modern educational policy are identified and possible ways to solve them are proposed.</p> <p>Attention is focused on the importance of the readiness of future teachers during their studies in higher<br>education institutions for the successful implementation of educational policy tasks, which is possible<br>provided that the training programs meet the modern requirements of educational policy, include the study of<br>modern pedagogical technologies and methods, ensure continuous professional development and<br>familiarization with new trends in education, internship opportunities, participation in research and<br>conferences, promote the integration of knowledge and development of interdisciplinary work. This<br>approach will help to improve the quality of education and the compliance of teaching activities with the<br>requirements of educational policy.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ″Guest lectures in the educational process of training vocational teachers″ 2024-09-04T14:44:42+03:00 H. Krasylnykova M. Sniadkowski S. Krasylnykov <p>The article is devoted to the problem of balancing the labor market of specialists with higher<br>education, which the state plans to solve by involving employers in the development and evaluation of study<br>programs and in the educational process in universities. The mechanism of evaluation of study programs by<br>the criterion of involvement of practitioners, industry experts, and employers' representatives in the<br>organization and implementation of the educational process in universities is highlighted. The best European<br>experience of training external stakeholders for the role of guest lecturers is considered. To help candidates<br>for the role of guest lecturers, universities create special reference books. The necessity of normalizing the<br>process of attracting guest lecturers at the institutional level is emphasized. The stages of involving guest lecturers in the educational process in universities are characterized: planning a guest lecture, conducting a<br>guest lecture, evaluating a guest lecture and disseminating its content. The article highlights the problems of<br>organizing guest lectures related to the search for competent guest lecturers, development of relevant topics<br>for guest lectures that are interesting for students, coordination of the actions of participants in the<br>educational process and technical support of guest lectures, etc.<br>It is proved that compliance with the requirements, procedures and sequence of implementation of the<br>"guest lecturer" programs by universities can improve the quality of learning by increasing the motivation of<br>higher education students to study and career development, provide students with practice-oriented<br>knowledge in various fields from employers, increase the motivation of professors to ensure the quality of<br>education, balance the labor market for specialists with higher education and facilitate the selection of<br>competitive personnel by potential employers. The prospect of expanding the range of guest lecturers based<br>on a survey of higher education students based on the results of their various types of internships at<br>production facilities, in organizations and educational institutions is outlined.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺTechnologies of forming speech competence of preschool children in inclusive groups of preschool education institutionʺ 2024-09-04T15:12:18+03:00 Yu. Syrova S. Kolosova V. Yakovenko. <p>The article is devoted to the problem of developing the speech competence of preschool children in<br>inclusive groups of preschool children. According to the state standard of preschool education, it has been<br>established that the formation of speech competence of preschool children is an important indicator of the<br>full development of a preschooler. Definition of the content of the concept “speech competence”, namely:<br>this is the ability to adequately and appropriately communicate in one’s native language in different life<br>situations, to tell, explain, reflect, evaluate, use both linguistic and extra-linguistic means and intonation<br>means of expressiveness, forms of politeness; observe your own speech and the speech of others, correct<br>mistakes, observing the general culture of speech, the desire to realize oneself creatively It has been established that the main task of a modern teacher of an inclusive group is to form in<br>children with special educational needs the basis of sound culture of speech, lexical and grammatical<br>correctness of speech, and the ability to logically and consistently express their thoughts. During the<br>scientific research, it was determined that when planning speech classes in an inclusive group of children's<br>education, it is necessary to observe the relevant principles (combination of an individual form of education<br>with differentiation; promote communication and communication; unity of sensory, speech, linguistic and<br>communicative development; support for independence; support for independence; approach and variability<br>in the organization of the processes of education and training; partnership interaction between the family and<br>the institution of preschool education).<br>It is concluded that an effective means of speech development for children with special educational<br>needs is the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational environment of children's education,<br>in particular, LEGO technologies, mnemonics, sandplay (pedagogical sand therapy), methods of eidetic<br>technology, and logorhythmics.&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education "Management of innovative activities of the health care institution" 2024-09-04T15:41:13+03:00 І. Shalіmova іshalіmova2010@gmaі V. Burbyha <p>In the course of the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, it was found that modern business<br>conditions encourage employees to form innovative activities, namely, to constantly search for and improve<br>the mechanisms for the formation and production of effective solutions. This applies to all economic entities<br>and health care institutions in particular , because the transition of Ukraine to a new level of socio-economic<br>relations not only with European states, but also with all the countries of the world requires new<br>transformations. In order to increase the level of provision of medical services, it is necessary to deal with<br>the issues of forming innovative activities of health care institutions, which will increase the level of the<br>country's competitiveness on the world stage and contribute to the attraction of additional investments.<br>The article determined that the main causes of problems during the implementation of innovative<br>management of the development of a health care institution are: contradiction of goals, motives of activity,<br>interests of participants of the innovation process; staff resistance to the new; emergence of bureaucratic<br>barriers during the introduction of innovations; distribution of individual stages of the innovation process<br>between different participants; unsatisfactory work of innovation developers and specialists who organize its<br>implementation.</p> <p>The article establishes that the creation, development and application of innovative management of<br>the development of a health care institution can become the basis of its success. Innovative development<br>management is an essential tool for increasing competitiveness in modern economic conditions, taking into<br>account internal and external influences.<br>The article provides a detailed process of strategic management of innovative activities of a health<br>care institution, which involves the implementation of the following main stages: strategic analysis of<br>activities, making a strategic choice, forming a strategy and its further implementation. A strategic-oriented<br>model of management of innovative activity of a health care institution is proposed, which will allow to<br>increase the level of development of innovative activity.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education COMMUNICATIVE COACHING AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING FUTURE ENGINEERS' FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE 2024-09-04T13:16:20+03:00 O. Bryntseva A. Podorozhna <p>In the context of economic and business globalization, the expansion of opportunities to enhance<br>professional competencies is crucial. One of the key factors contributing to this is the internationalization of<br>modern engineering education. The article emphasizes the importance of social and humanitarian skills,<br>including foreign language communicative competence. These competencies are reflected in the quality criteria<br>of engineering education, established by international councils and organizations that accredit educational<br>programs of engineering universities and certify the level of training of their graduates. Incorporating<br>communicative coaching into engineering education not only enables students to enhance their technical skills,<br>but also empowers them to effectively communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries. This approach<br>empowers future engineering specialists to not only excel in their technical fields but also navigate the<br>intricacies of a globalized workforce. The authors argue that communicative coaching is an effective method<br>for developing foreign language communicative competence in future engineering specialists.<br>The authors thoroughly analyze this coaching method from the standpoint of modern and innovative<br>educational tools, which seamlessly incorporate the principles of contextual learning into a professionally<br>focused educational setting. Training technologies are developed based on key principles of game modeling,<br>which include the use of effective exercises, creating associations, encouraging communication, and achieving<br>desired outcomes. This approach strikes a balance by incorporating both traditional and innovative simulation<br>teaching methods. Taking into account the specifics of engineering activity and the list of professionally<br>important qualities necessary for the future engineer to ensure effective professional interaction and develop the<br>culture of professional communication, the authors conclude in the article that it is advisable to combine and<br>use elements of communicative training, socio-psychological and practical-professional training for this<br>purpose. The application of professional-communicative coaching in universities, which provides the<br>development of professionally important qualities and the implementation of integrative content in the<br>professional training of future engineers, is aimed at the formation of future specialists' volitional qualities,<br>communicative tolerance, empathy, communicative and organizational aptitudes, self-regulation and<br>communicative control. Through the integration of communicative training, socio-psychological training, and<br>practical-professional training, professional-communicative coaching in universities fosters the development of<br>crucial qualities in future engineers. These qualities encompass volition, communicative tolerance, empathy, as<br>well as communicative and organizational aptitudes, resulting in enhanced self-regulation and communicative<br>control for aspiring specialists. Ultimately, the objective is to shape a profound culture of professional<br>communication and promote effective professional interaction among future engineers.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education "Expert estimation of quality of dual system of professional education of future gas welders by means of qualimetrical modeling" 2024-09-04T13:38:33+03:00 V. Bakatanova L. Slonyova <p>The article examines a way to solve the problem of the need to improve the quality of graduates of<br>vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions, accelerate their adaptation at work and increase<br>employers' responsibility for the training of workers. The dual system of vocational education allows to solve<br>this problem and problems which follow from it. However, measurement of quality of education in the course<br>of dual training of future workers still did not become the relevant direction of pedagogical researches yet.<br>According to a goal in article process of formation of dual system of professional education in independent<br>Ukraine was considered, qualimetrical modeling of quality of dual system of professional education of future<br>gas welders is carried out, expert estimation of quality of dual system of professional education of future gas welders is carried out to KZO "Pershotravensky Mountain Lyceum" by means of qualimetrical modeling for<br>what there was a developed factorial and criteria model of estimation of quality of education of future gas<br>welder. Implementation of expert estimation of quality of dual system of professional education of future gas<br>welders happened by filling on each graduate of educational group of future gas welders with experts from<br>educational institution (lyceum) and from the enterprise of columns of factorial and criteria model. On this<br>basis certain results which demonstrate that the average value of the estimates of quality of education on<br>educational group provided from experts from the enterprise exceeds the similar values provided from experts<br>who work in lyceum a little were received: 0,76 against 0,72, respectively. It can be explained with the fact that<br>experts from the enterprise paid attention to practical skills more, and experts from educational institution,<br>except practical skills, also considered the level of theoretical preparation. The author drew a valid conclusion<br>that the expert estimation of quality of dual education which is carried out to KZO "Pershotravensky Mountain<br>Lyceum" executed on the basis of factorial and criteria model gave an opportunity to state its efficiency and<br>objectivity as a divergence between estimates of experts from production and from educational institution 5%<br>of the error accepted for pedagogical researches do not go beyond.&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ″Readiness of a vocational teacher for professional self-development: basic definitions and components″ 2024-09-04T14:08:06+03:00 O. Gabruk <p>In article modern researches on problems of professional self-development of the personality are<br>analysed. The detailed analysis of scientific works and practice of professional education allowed to state<br>lack of system teoretiko-methodical ensuring training of future teachers of vocational education for<br>professional self-development that promoted emergence of a certain number of contradictions. It agrees the<br>object set in article definition of professional self-development of the teacher of vocational education<br>according to which it is purposeful process of self-realization of his personality by formation and further<br>improvement of knowledge, abilities, skills the and also professional and personal qualities necessary for<br>successful activities for the organization, design and realization of educational process in institutions of<br>professional (professional) education and production and technological process at the enterprises and in the<br>organizations was given. The author drew a valid conclusion that the structure of readiness for professional<br>self-development of the teacher of vocational education has to contain 5 components: 1) self-determination;<br>2) self-assessment; 3) self-organization; 4) self-government; 5) self-improvement. For each of these<br>components the set of criteria by which it is possible to determine level formation of each component of the<br>specified readiness was defined. Results of the analysis of psychology and pedagogical literature, gave the chance to come to a conclusion that readiness of future teacher of vocational education for professional selfdevelopment is multidimensional personal education, and its functioning can be treated as unity of the<br>certain functional components connected among themselves: 1) motivational and valuable; 2) cognitive and<br>activity; 3) reflexive and estimated. It is defined, shcho the perspective direction of further researches of this<br>perspective is studying information and education the environment and conditions under which professional<br>self-development of the teacher of vocational education is carried out, both during receiving professional<br>pedagogical education, and during independent professional and pedagogical activity.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺThe role of information and computer technologies in teaching the discipline "Historical local history" for the practical training of applicants for the program "Local history and tourism work" 2024-09-04T14:33:44+03:00 O. Kashaba І. Shcherbyna <p>The article examines the role of innovative technologies in the teaching of the discipline «Historical<br>Regional Studies». The authors analyzed the latest research on this topic and came to the conclusion that<br>information and computer technologies are an integral part of the modern educational process. Their role has<br>especially strengthened recently, when today's challenges forced the active use of distance education. Today,<br>distance learning is not only a global challenge to education, but also a global trend. All this encourages the<br>educational community to use the latest methods, original approaches and various forms. Among them, the<br>practice of conducting virtual tours can be defined as very meaningful and effective.</p> <p>The article formulates the meaning of the concept of «virtual excursion», considers the main<br>approaches to the classification of virtual excursions, their purpose, peculiarities of conducting. A detailed<br>analysis of the practice of implementing virtual tours in the Educational and Professional Program "Local<br>History and Tourism Work", namely during the teaching of the educational component «Historical Regional<br>Studies» is provided. The list of historical and local knowledge competences, which must be formed by<br>students of the specialty 032 History and archeology, is given. It is noted that virtual tours cannot replace the<br>presence of education seekers in real time on the local history route, but allow to get a certain idea about the<br>selected object of historical and local history research. The article analyzes the positive and negative points<br>of two ways of planning and creating virtual excursions, as well as describes methodological techniques that<br>can be used when conducting a virtual excursion on historical and local history topics. The study emphasizes<br>the advantages of using modern digital tools and technologies in the educational process compared to<br>traditional ones. The authors identified a number of shortcomings that occur during the preparation and<br>conduct of a virtual excursion and provided methodical advice for their elimination.<br>The use of virtual excursions in the teaching of the discipline «Historical Regional Studies» and the<br>practical application of acquired knowledge about the native land provide ample opportunities for increasing<br>the interest of historian students in the cultural and historical heritage of the Ukrainian people, activating<br>creative potential, forming a worldview and national memory.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺForming the image of an educational institution - the requirements of todayʺ 2024-09-04T14:52:31+03:00 S. Lytvyn <p>The article analyzes the principles and features of image formation of an educational institution in<br>modern conditions. At the moment, the changes implemented in the educational sphere with the help of<br>state programs allow us to say that the development of education in our country is a priority. Each<br>educational institution is faced with the task of increasing educational potential and preserving its<br>autonomy with the help of modern management approaches. The key factor influencing the formation of<br>the target audience is the image of the educational institution. The image of an educational institution is<br>understood as an emotionally colored image that has purposefully defined characteristics and is designed<br>to exert a psychological influence on specific groups of consumers. With a positive image, an educational<br>institution is able to successfully compete on the market of educational services, there is an opportunity to<br>attract an additional number of highly qualified personnel, entrants. The purpose of the article is to define,<br>substantiate and analyze the features of the formation of the image of an educational institution, the<br>structure of the image of an educational institution, the trends of the transformation of the educational<br>sphere into the sphere of socio-cultural activity, the system of socialization, communication and the<br>system of cultural and educational services in the context of training a future specialist with a high sociocultural potential as a requirement for creating a bright, harmonious socio-cultural image of an educational<br>organization and its popularization on the market of educational services. The weak and strong positions<br>of forming a positive image in the modern market of educational services were identified and analyzed.<br>The problem of building the image of an educational institution, which in modern conditions is forced to<br>compete on specialized markets (markets of applicants, labor, reputations, etc.) in a global context, is<br>defined. The developed approaches to the interpretation of the category "image of the educational<br>institution" in modern conditions are considered.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺFormation of a health-saving style of personal behavior as a component of professional trainingʺ 2024-09-04T15:31:00+03:00 S. Chornyi <p>The modern education system needs to revise its content to ensure humanistic and humanitarian<br>measurements of the existence of the individual, its socio-spiritual values, activities in nature and society.<br>The essential characteristic of such a reflection is a holistic picture of the world and a person in it, in<br>harmony of the spiritual and physical development of the individual, in the formation of a health-preserving<br>style of behavior of the individual in particular.<br>The article offers an analysis of the available theoretical material and coverage of the problematic<br>range of the concepts of "health", "way of life", "lifestyle" and "healthy lifestyle", which are key importance<br>for further research.<br>As a result of the analysis of scientific intelligence from a pedagogical point of view, we consider<br>health not as a fixed phenomenon, but as the development of the subject position of the individual in relation<br>to his own health, which allows realizing his own resource potential in the educational process.<br>It has been proven that the process of preserving a person's health directly depends on the quality of<br>the conditions in which life is carried out, that is, on the way of life. By the way of life in most cases, we understand a steady, stable way of human life in certain socio-ecological conditions, which is manifested in<br>the norms of communication, behavior and thinking.<br>The definition of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" in a broad and narrow sense is formulated.<br>The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to establish that a healthy lifestyle should be<br>understood as a system of human actions and states that involve self-creating activity, in relation to oneself<br>and the surrounding world.<br>It is concluded that a health-saving style of behaviour is a system of actions and states of a person,<br>characterised by a certain level of valeological knowledge, motivational and value orientations, physical<br>culture, social and spiritual values, worldview attitudes and involve self-creative activity, in relation to<br>oneself and the surrounding world by means of emotional and volitional manifestations in practical support<br>of physical, psychological and spiritual security of the individual and development of his potential.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education PROFESSIONAL HARDINESS OF SPECIALISTS IN THE WORKS OF DOMESTIC RESEARCHERS 2024-09-04T13:05:27+03:00 L. Bachiyev <p>The paper deals with the analysis of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice, which<br>considers the concepts of "hardiness" and "professional hardiness". It has been highlighted that hardiness is<br>an integral personal trait, which is responsible for the success of a person's coping with the difficulties of life.<br>It has been determined that in the classical version, hardiness consists of the following elements:<br>transformational coping; sustainable attitude towards the surrounding people; hardiness guidelines:<br>commitment, control, challenge. Focusing attention on the professional context of the studied concept,<br>domestic scientists introduce the concept of "professional hardiness", form and apply methods for<br>determining its level among a wide range of specialists of various specialties. It has been determined that the<br>practice of forming professional hardiness involves the use of psychodiagnostics, group discussions, roleplaying games, modeling, psychotherapeutic techniques, etc. Examples of practice that involve the formation<br>of professional hardiness through professional self-realization and the development of a "project of one's<br>own professional development" in the environment of "life and professional space" have been highlighted.<br>The research method is the study and analysis of psychological-pedagogical theory and practice in<br>defining the essence of the concept, its structure and methods of its formation among specialists of various<br>specialties. This has led to the conclusion that in the modern practice of professional hardiness there are<br>almost no methods that form the specified quality in a professional context.<br>This work has presented the idea that the formation of professional hardiness should be carried out<br>during studying at an educational institution on the basis of the development of two components: a system of<br>hardiness guidelines (general professional qualities) and mastering the methods of professional activity in the<br>conditions of a changing life and professional space through structuring and working out professional risks<br>according to the structure of professional activity (technique (set of equipment), technology (technological<br>process); organization, management and economy, labor protection; ecology; legal issues of the industry).</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺCriterial characteristics of the readiness of pedagogical profile educators for organizing the constructive activities of preschool children using LEGO-technologyʺ. 2024-09-04T15:57:53+03:00 M. Yaroslavtseva T. Bakumenko <p>The article characterizes the theoretical aspects of the problem of formation readiness to organize<br>preschool children’s constructive activity of using LEGO-technology in the modern educational content of a<br>higher education institution. Some requirements are presented for the student, among which the ability to<br>acquire new knowledge and skills, learn pedagogical technologies, create an educational environment<br>according to individual, age, gender, children’s psychophysiological characteristics etc.<br>Based on the pedagogical approaches of scientific studies, the author’s interpretation of the concept<br>preschool child’s constructive activity is revealed. LEGO-technology is defined as one of the aspects of its<br>activation. It has been proved that there is no complete definition of this concept in the scientific literature,<br>but there are determinations of such definitions as «LEGO-construction», «LEGO-constructor», «LEGOpedagogy». The educational potential of LEGO-technology has been determined.</p> <p>It has been established that readiness is the initial condition for the implementation of this or that<br>activity. Special attention is paid to the understanding of readiness as a professional personality trait. The<br>education seekers’ readiness of the pedagogical profile to organize the preschool children’s constructive<br>activity of using LEGO-technology is presented as an integrated quality of the education seeker’s personality,<br>which is characterized by sustainable values, orientations and positive motivation of the specialist, acquired<br>competencies in designing and organizing constructive activity of children based on the educational<br>opportunities of LEGO-technology and is the result of professional training at a higher education institution.<br>It has been revealed the criteria, on which the teachers of the higher education institution are oriented<br>to the investigation of the processes of formation of the education seekers’ readiness of the pedagogical<br>profile to organize preschool children’s constructive activity of using LEGO-technology. The following<br>criteria are defined: motivational, cognitive, technological and reflective. Each criterion is characterized and<br>represented by the relevant indicators.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education "Modern methods of organizing national-patriotic education for future primary school teachers" 2024-09-04T13:32:56+03:00 О. Akimova A. Berezhna <p>The article is dedicated to analyzing contemporary methods of organizing the national-patriotic<br>education of future elementary school teachers. It discusses the main trends and approaches to instilling<br>patriotic values in students of higher educational institutions. The article delves into the significance of<br>national-patriotic education in the modern educational context and proposes effective methods, such as the use<br>of interactive technologies, patriotic events and projects, studying history and culture within the context of<br>national identity, and so forth. The authors provide examples of successful implementation of these methods in<br>the educational process and highlight the advantages and challenges that arise during their implementation.<br>Furthermore, the article examines the fundamental aspects of organizing the national-patriotic<br>education of future elementary school teachers, its objectives and goals, as well as the methods and means<br>through which patriotic consciousness is nurtured. Special attention is given to analyzing pedagogical technologies that contribute to fostering love for one's country, its culture, history, and traditions in children.<br>The authors elucidate the role of teachers in instilling patriotic sentiments in students, as well as the influence<br>of the family environment and the educational system on shaping national identity. Specifically, aspects such<br>as the use of extracurricular activities, interactive teaching methods, and the development of students'<br>creativity and initiative are discussed. The article also analyzes modern approaches to organizing lessons on<br>patriotic education and their effectiveness in the contemporary educational environment.<br>Additionally, the work investigates the primary aspects of the impact of volunteering on shaping<br>patriotic values in students of higher educational institutions. It examines the practical experience of<br>implementing volunteer projects and programs in the educational process, describes the methodology of their<br>implementation, and evaluates the results. Significant attention is paid to the interaction between volunteers,<br>students, and teachers, as well as the possibilities of using volunteering to activate patriotic initiatives and<br>engage in national-patriotic activities. The conclusions drawn from the analysis may be valuable for<br>educators and researchers working in the field of higher education and the training of future educators.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education o ʺDevelopment and Self-Reflection of the Tutor for Effective Work with Students in Distance Learning ʺ 2024-09-04T13:59:53+03:00 V. Burbyga H. Hrynchenko I. Petrenko <p>The article is devoted to the role of the tutor in modern distance learning and the importance of their<br>professional development and self-reflection for effective interaction with students. The study emphasizes<br>the relevance of curatorial support in the context of distance education and the challenges faced by curators<br>in this process.</p> <p>The authors conduct a thorough analysis of the scientific literature, identifying the need for further<br>research on the impact of tutoring on academic performance and student satisfaction, as well as the need for<br>an individualized approach to each student. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the role of the tutor<br>in the virtual educational environment, focusing on his/her development and self-reflection as key factors of<br>effective work.<br>The paper examines in detail the role of the tutor as a mediator, mentor and organizer in the virtual<br>space, providing students with the necessary support, motivation and a favorable atmosphere for learning.<br>Particular attention is paid to the importance of tutor self-reflection, including methods of keeping reflective<br>journals, analyzing emotions and reactions, systematic analysis of decisions, using reflective questions, and<br>receiving feedback from students.<br>The authors emphasize the need for continuous professional development of the tutor through the use<br>of online courses, participation in professional communities, blogging, attending seminars and conferences,<br>and developing soft skills. In addition, the article discusses the key competencies and skills necessary for the<br>successful work of a curator in an online educational environment, such as digital literacy, organizational<br>skills, effective communication, adaptability, analytical thinking, and pedagogical expertise.<br>The conclusions emphasize the importance of the tutor's role in distance learning and the need for selfreflection to improve their performance. The authors propose future research directions, including the impact<br>of tutoring support on academic performance, evaluation of the effectiveness of self-reflection methods, and<br>development of new learning technologies to better support students in a virtual educational environment.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education "Patriotism as a Historical and Social Phenomenon" 2024-09-04T14:22:00+03:00 K. Zlatina I. Stepanets <p>The article briefly describes the genesis of Ukrainian patriotism as a historical and social phenomenon<br>associated with the life and struggle of Ukrainians for their independence.<br>Based on the results of the analysis of scientific theory, the author shows the main transformations of<br>the concept of "patriotism" since ancient times.<br>The article presents the structure of patriotism through a set of characteristics of an individual's<br>attitudes towards himself, his homeland, fellow citizens, and national values.<br>The correlation between patriotism and nationalism is analysed as a problem that causes debate in<br>Ukrainian society.<br>The article considers the modern content and context of formation of national patriotism,<br>interconnection and interdependence of the national (public) and personal patriotism of a citizen of Ukraine.</p> <p>Based on the provisions of scientific theory, the author's own experience and the results of a survey, an<br>attempt is made to analyse the problem of modern effective patriotism of citizens, to define the essence of<br>the phenomenon of "patriotism" and to manifest it in everyday life of modern Ukrainians.<br>The study of the content of a number of papers on the problem of formation and development of a<br>citizen-patriot of Ukraine on the basis of a patriotic approach made it possible to identify the main means of<br>educating students' patriotism, organisation of life and relationships of students.<br>Summarising the results of scientific studies, in particular those of the researchers of the Municipal<br>Establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council (H.<br>Ponomarova, M. Rohanova, S. Riabokin), the author concludes that patriotic education in the context of a<br>pedagogical HEI, in particular, involves the involvement of higher education students in a specially<br>organised educational environment, in which the formation of patriotic values is carried out comprehensively<br>in a holistic educational process and beyond as a cross-cutting idea.<br>Theoretical research and practical experience have made it possible to present a structural and<br>functional model of the system of patriotic education of students in a pedagogical higher education<br>institution.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education " The state of study of the problem on forming emotional and ethical competence of future computer science teachers in the theory and practice of pedagogical science". 2024-09-04T14:47:46+03:00 M. Lіedok <p>The article examines scientific sources on the specified problem and analyzes the research of<br>scientists, which emphasizes the relevance of the problem of forming the emotional and ethical competence<br>of future teachers. The analysis of scientific literature reveals multifaceted approaches to the problem of<br>forming the emotional and ethical competence of future computer science teachers. The identified areas of<br>research include the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of ethical culture,<br>theoretical issues of the formation of moral and spiritual culture, and aspects of the professional training of<br>informatics teachers. A review of the current educational normative documents of Ukraine confirms that<br>modern domestic reforms emphasize the formation of emotional and ethical competence of the individual of<br>education seekers at all levels and degrees of education.<br>The current definitions of the concepts of "ethical competence", "emotional competence", "emotionalethical competence" in the scientific work of scientists were analyzed, and key differences in their essential<br>characteristics were established. In justifying the studied phenomenon, the author of the article relies on a generalized interpretation of emotional competence as a combination of knowledge, skills and abilities to<br>recognize and distinguish emotions, understand them and manage both one's own emotions and the emotions<br>of other people, as well as on the understanding of ethical competence, which is defined as a dynamic<br>combination knowledge, abilities, skills, thinking styles, views, values and other personal qualities that allow<br>a person to socialize effectively. The components of ethical competence of the future teacher are singled out:<br>need-value, content and activity components.<br>It is noted that the emotional-ethical competence of the future computer science teacher is considered<br>as a complex individual-psychological property of the individual, which combines theoretical knowledge,<br>value and ethical orientations, personal skills, practical skills and the application of these qualities on the<br>basis of ethics and morality.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺModern teaching technologies as a tool for the forming the technical and technological competence of bachelors of vocational education majoring in "Transport" 2024-09-04T15:17:16+03:00 D. Khrapach <p>The article is devoted to the practice of using active methods and modern learning technologies as<br>instrumentation for developing skills and forming competencies, in particular technical and technological<br>ones, necessary for future bachelors of vocational education in the «Transport» major for their successful<br>professional activity. The author compares the basic concepts and defines the relationship between the<br>concepts of «educational technologies», «pedagogical technologies» and «learning technologies», etc. It is<br>noted that the key structural element of learning technology is the method as a tool for interaction between<br>participants in the educational process. According to modern views of didacticians, it is recognized that the<br>differentiation of learning methods should be based on the criterion of «the nature of interaction between<br>teacher and students». The article characterizes interactive teaching methods as a way of organizing the<br>learning process, acquiring knowledge, skills, and developing the necessary competencies in joint activities<br>through dialogue, polylogue of students with each other and with the teacher. Two groups of interactive learning methods are highlighted: group and frontal. Group methods and forms include: work in pairs,<br>«carousel», aquarium; frontal methods include: «microphone», brainstorming, discussion, case method, etc.<br>It is noted that the skillful combination of innovative forms and active learning methods allows teachers to<br>use a variety of modern learning technologies in the process of forming the technical and technological<br>competence of bachelors of vocational education in the «Transport» major. The practice of using modern<br>learning technologies, namely contextual learning, critical thinking, problem-based learning, game<br>technologies, project technology and distance learning technologies, in the study of professional subjects of<br>motor transport profile by bachelors of vocational education, project creation and various types of practical<br>internship is characterized. It is concluded that the use of active methods and modern learning technologies<br>in the training of vocational teachers of motor transport can significantly improve the quality of higher<br>education, ensure the intellectual and creative development of higher education students, the formation of<br>general and professional competencies of specialists necessary for their successful future activities, learning<br>and self-improvement throughout life.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺProblems of forming key professional skills in the training of engineerpedagoguesʺ. 2024-09-04T15:46:22+03:00 N. Shemyhon V. Kniazieva <p>Ukraine, like the rest of the world, is experiencing rapid technological change, which is leading to a<br>widening gap between the demand for skills in the professional market and the availability of these skills<br>among qualified personnel. The existence of such a gap may indicate that higher education is not keeping<br>up with these changes. The purpose of the study was to identify ways to improve the formation of the<br>necessary skills by the higher education system and to study the level of awareness of key professional<br>skills among students.<br>Using the analysis of scientific literature on this issue, it was found that today there is no single<br>classification and hierarchy of skills, but despite the differences in classifications, definitions and<br>methodological approaches, the analysis of sources shows that a modern specialist must have a certain set of<br>skills to be successful in the labor market. Analyzing different classifications of professional skills that will be<br>relevant in the next decade, it was found that each of them has almost the same set of components that make up<br>them, only their places change. Researchers propose different ways to develop the necessary skills. Some scholars focus on the external parameters of education, namely, changes in educational programs and state<br>educational policy. Another area that will help improve the development of key skills, according to researchers,<br>should be the introduction of new forms, methods, and technologies of teaching in educational institutions.<br>A study of the level of awareness of key skills by students was conducted, which showed a gap<br>between the optimal set of skills and the perception of them by students. We can observe a shift in the<br>preferences of students towards technological skills, and at the same time a lack of awareness of the<br>importance of so-called soft skills. Taken together, these are the skills needed to achieve professional and life<br>success and are an indicator of human capital. The results confirm the need for targeted development of the<br>key skills required by workers today in the process of vocational training in order to improve the relevance<br>of education and training to the requirements of the professional market.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education NURTURING AN AESTHETIC ATTITUDE TOWARDS NATURE IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE RESEARCH LABORATORY “SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDHOOD” 2024-09-04T13:24:44+03:00 M. Rohanova C. Shaparenko O. Vasylenko <p>The article reveals the theoretical and practical foundations of ecological and aesthetic education of<br>children of senior preschool age using art in the context of the activities of the research laboratory<br>“Spiritual Foundations of Preschool Childhood”, the purpose of which is the development of scientific<br>programs, projects for the spiritual development of the personality of a preschool child and the promotion<br>of spiritual, artistic, creative and aesthetic development of student youth - future specialists in preschool<br>education. The work of the research laboratory is carried out within the framework of the basic provisions<br>of the Concept of Preschool Education, that preschool age is the basis for the general cultural and spiritual<br>development of a preschool child. Based on the analysis of scientific developments of leading domestic<br>and foreign scientists, the relationship between aesthetic and environmental culture is revealed; the<br>importance of nature as an aesthetic value is shown; the role of aesthetic factors of nature in the formation<br>of the spirituality of preschool children is substantiated. It has been proven that preschool age is an<br>important period in the formation of a child’s personality, the development of his emotional and sensory<br>sphere, which is manifested in the ability to aesthetic perception, aesthetic feeling, aesthetic appreciation<br>and aesthetic activity.The importance of art is revealed as a special form of activity in which the formation<br>of a person occurs, the strengthening of his spirituality, the development of creative abilities, imaginative<br>thinking and the aesthetic sphere; as a reflection of reality, art is the most perfect form of comprehension<br>and creative development of the spiritual and practical experience of mankind. It helps to cognize life in<br>direct sensory contact, to perceive the phenomena of reality in the sense that they exist in the system of<br>social relations.The directions of technology for environmental and aesthetic education of preschool<br>children are revealed: enrichment of the emotional and sensory sphere of children, improvement of artistic<br>and imaginative perception, stimulation of artistic and creative activity in the environmental direction; and<br>also identified the pedagogical conditions that ensured the effectiveness of this educational process,<br>namely the use of a complex of arts as a way of understanding the aesthetic value of nature; creating an<br>emotional background at all stages of children’s interaction with nature; compliance of the pedagogical<br>process with the age, individual characteristics and capabilities of the older preschooler; focus on<br>developing children's creative activity; step-by-step, systematic and consistent formation of children's<br>value attitude towards nature in a preschool institution; coordination of work with parents; the pedagogical<br>skill of the teacher, his erudition in the field of art; material support for the educational process. It is<br>concluded that the development of the spiritual world of a preschool child is possible only through<br>instilling in him humanism, love of nature, and a value-based attitude to the social environment - the<br>spiritual phenomena of society.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ″Analysis of professional pedagogical competencies of engineers-pedagogues″ 2024-09-04T13:42:10+03:00 V. Bendes <p>The article deals with the topical issue of forming pedagogical competencies in engineers-pedagogues,<br>since these competencies ensure the successful fulfillment of their professional duties related to the<br>organization and implementation of the educational process in vocational education institutions and the<br>training of a new generation of qualified specialists.<br>The author characterizes the regulatory requirements for the competencies of engineer-pedagogues<br>contained in the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in the specialty 015 “Vocational Education (by<br>Specialization)”. A review of scientific research on the formation of scientific knowledge about the essence of<br>the professional competence of an engineer-pedagogue and its structure, its role in the process of becoming an<br>engineer-pedagogue, as well as the formation of individual professional competencies of engineers-pedagogues<br>is made. Attention is focused on the research of scientists who substantiate the need to allocate a pedagogical<br>component in the structure of the professional competence of an engineer-pedagogue and define the conceptual<br>provisions for designing a system of pedagogical training of future engineers-pedagogues.<br>The concept of “pedagogical competence” and key aspects that reveal its meaning in detail are<br>characterized. The list of special (professional) competencies defined by the Standard of Higher Education of<br>Ukraine in the specialty 015 “Vocational Education (by Specialization)” is analyzed and those that are pedagogical are highlighted. Attention is focused on the aspects that reveal in detail the content of each<br>pedagogical competence.<br>It is proved that the process of forming the pedagogical competencies of an engineer-teacher takes<br>place through specialized training, practical experience, continuous professional development and support of<br>the professional environment. The factors that impede the effective formation of professional pedagogical<br>competencies of an engineer-pedagogue are presented and assumptions are made about the use of modern<br>interactive technologies in the training of engineers-pedagogues, which will overcome these obstacles,<br>improve educational programs and increase the motivation of students.</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education