Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education 2024-07-01T09:20:50+03:00 Максименко Open Journal Systems <p><strong>By the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the collection of scientific papers “Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education” has been approved in category "Б" in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in the field of pedagogical sciences (specialty – 011, 015).</strong></p> <p>In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 17, 2020 No.409 “On the approval of decisions of the Attestation board of the Ministry on compiling the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine dated February 26 and March 6, 2020 and amending the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 11, 2019 No.975” the collection of scientific papers “Problems of Engineering Pedagogic Education” of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in category “Б” in the field of pedagogical sciences (specialty – 011, 015).</p> <p>The editorial Board of the journal invites for publication of articles of scientists, graduate students, lecturers.</p> <p><strong>Manuscript languages: Ukrainian, English.</strong><br /><strong>Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year.</strong><br /><strong>Founded: 2001.</strong><br /><strong>ISSN 2074-8930 (online), 2074-8922 (print).</strong></p> <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Перевод" aria-label="Переведенный текст" data-ved="2ahUKEwiXi9jM0riGAxWlAxAIHddoEBcQ3ewLegQIBRAU"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Registered by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting as an entity in the field of media - print media. Media ID/License Number: R30-02388</span></pre> ʺThe role of motivation in the formation of students’ independent learning activitiesʺ 2024-07-01T07:35:03+03:00 N. Briukhanova L. Hres S. Zamchiy <p>The article discusses the importance of motivation in the formation of independent learning activities<br>of students, which leads to the modernization of the educational process. It is proved that the formation of<br>cognitive motivation is an important issue in educational practice, as it determines learning outcomes. Various aspects of motivation that affect the ability of students to learn independently are analyzed.<br>The article presents and analyzes various definitions of the concept of "motivation", considers the most<br>common theories of motivation and learning psychology in the world practice (self-efficacy theory, selfdetermination theory, fixed and growth mindset theory, motivation achievement theory, hierarchy of needs<br>theory), as well as the results of psychological and pedagogical research by Ukrainian scientists.<br>The article characterizes such types of motivation as extrinsic and intrinsic, proves their influence on<br>the independent learning activities of students, as well as the dependence of the influence on the individual<br>characteristics of students.<br>The relationship between universal learning design, which involves the creation of a learning<br>environment that takes into account the diversity of needs and capabilities of students, and the motivation of<br>students' learning activities is shown. The basic principles of universal learning design are characterized. It is<br>noted that the combination of universal learning design and support for motivation of learning activities<br>contributes to improving the quality of learning and achieving better results of students.<br>Examples of independent learning activities of students in higher education institutions are given. It is<br>noted that the implementation of independent learning activities depends on independence in learning, the<br>main aspects and importance of which are described in the article.<br>The article identifies and characterizes various factors that can influence and interact with each other<br>in the process of forming students' independence, as well as change or improve their skills and abilities in<br>this direction.<br>It is established that motivation plays a key role in the formation of independent learning activities of<br>students, as it stimulates activity, the search for knowledge and self-improvement. The relationship between<br>motivation and independent learning activities, ways of influencing each other are determined.<br>The methods used to stimulate the motivation of students and increase their independence in learning<br>(creating an interesting learning environment, stimulating intrinsic motivation, supporting individual needs,<br>creating goals and direction, supporting self-esteem and self-reflection, using positive reinforcement) are<br>characterized.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺDevelopment of STEM education in Ukraineʺ 2024-07-01T08:01:27+03:00 A. Drokina <p>The article discusses the key issues of STEM education development in Ukraine. On the basis of a<br>thorough analysis of scientific, pedagogical and regulatory sources, the author highlights the key processes<br>of development of STEM education in our country and identifies current trends in the implementation of<br>STEM education at the current stage of its development.<br>The essence of the main concepts is investigated in the paper: "STEM education", "STEM training". It is<br>found that in Ukraine, STEM education is organised in accordance with the Action Plan for Implementation of<br>the Concept for the Development of Science and Mathematics Education (STEM Education) until 2027 and is<br>based on the implementation of the State reform "New Ukrainian School". In view of this, it is emphasised that<br>STEM education in our country is an integral part of the New Ukrainian School, as it involves not only the<br>acquisition of knowledge but also aims to develop competences of students.</p> <p>Based on the priority areas for the development of STEM education at the national and regional levels,<br>it is found that in our country they include: development of scientific and methodological support and special<br>teaching aids; training and professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff; expansion of the<br>network of regional STEM centres/laboratories; creation of an information base for the development of<br>STEM education in Ukraine using IT technologies, etc.<br>The attention is focused on the fact that one of the most important tasks for the successful<br>implementation of STEM education in Ukraine is the training of competitive, highly qualified teachers. It is<br>determined that the professional and pedagogical training of future teachers in pedagogical institutions<br>of higher education should be carried out as a purposeful, systematic and organised process. It is worth<br>noting that this process necessarily requires periodic updating of curricula, improvement of work<br>programmes of educational components, development of practice-oriented teaching methods, etc.<br>It is proved that digitalisation opens up innovative prospects for the development of STEM education,<br>contributing to improving the quality of modern education and preparing the younger generation for the<br>challenges of the modern world in the context of rapid technological progress. It has been determined that<br>digital technologies provide a significant number of powerful tools and resources that help to optimise the<br>modern educational process in the implementation of STEM education. The introduction of virtual<br>laboratories, simulations, gaming platforms, and much more makes the process of education even more<br>innovative, effective, and interesting for students.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺCompliance as a tool for managing professional development of scientific and teaching staff of a community institution of higher educationʺ 2024-07-01T08:25:16+03:00 V. Odarchenko <p>The article deals with the role of compliance as a mechanism for managing the professional<br>development of research and teaching staff of a municipal higher education institution.<br>The author theoretically analyzes the importance of compliance in managing the professional<br>development of research and teaching staff of a municipal higher education institution. The key aspects of<br>compliance in the context of managing the professional development of employees in the educational sector are<br>investigated. The views of scientists on the definition of the concept of "compliance" are studied. It is<br>theoretically proved that compliance is an important tool for managing the professional development of<br>academic staff, especially in the current environment of increasing requirements for quality education and<br>compliance with standards. The essence of the concept of "compliance" is considered through the prism of<br>compliance with laws, regulations, procedures and ethical standards in the context of professional development<br>management. The author of the article defines the functions of compliance such as: ensuring compliance with<br>internal and external requirements, minimizing the risks of violation of legislation and standards.<br>The paper examines modern practices of management and regulation of professional development of<br>research and teaching staff of higher education institutions. The experience of applying compliance in the US educational system is studied. The article focuses on the influence of legislation, regulations and culture of<br>compliance on the effectiveness of professional development management of higher education employees.<br>The study proposes specific methods of professional development management, which may include the<br>development of training programs, monitoring and evaluation of development results, as well as the<br>introduction of mechanisms for stimulating and motivating employees.<br>On the example of the organization of educational management in the Municipal Establishment<br>"Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺPortfolio as an innovative tool for assessing individual achievements of students and a way to self-motivation in adaptive learningʺ 2024-07-01T08:51:12+03:00 I. Skorokhodova <p>The system of assessment of students' learning achievements, as well as the social institution of<br>education itself, has recently undergone significant changes and transformations. The main one is the global<br>transformation of approaches to assessing student achievement. If earlier the main focus of assessment was<br>on the volume and quality of theoretical knowledge accumulated by the student, in today's realities this is no<br>longer an effective factor. What matters now is not the amount of theoretical material accumulated by the<br>student, but the ability to use it creatively, efficiently and effectively, both in the profession and in life in<br>general. The article considers the concepts of educational portfolio and portfolio of an education applicant,<br>identifies the advantages and disadvantages of using a portfolio, summarises the algorithm and stages of<br>portfolio formation, defines the structure and develops the main sections of the portfolio. The feasibility of<br>introducing a portfolio as an innovative way to assess the achievements of educational institutions is<br>analysed. A portfolio in education is a tool for collecting, evaluating and displaying the achievements of<br>students. It may include academic results, projects, creative works, teacher feedback and supporting<br>materials. It is important for an applicant to have a high-quality and meaningful portfolio to stand out among<br>other candidates when applying and throughout their studies. Subsequently, it is successfully used to find a<br>professional path through specialised training and enter the labour market. Portfolios allow students to demonstrate their teamwork, creativity, independent work and other skills that cannot always be measured by<br>standardised tests. It also stimulates learners' self-motivation by allowing them to see their progress and<br>achievements. Adaptive learning involves individualising the learning process, including the pace and<br>methods that meet the needs of each student. The use of portfolios allows teachers to track the personal<br>progress of each student and use this information to develop a more individualised curriculum. Provide<br>feedback and support to students in their studies.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺInclusive environment of general secondary educational institution: theoretical foundationsʺ 2024-07-01T07:51:21+03:00 D. Grianyk <p>The introduction of an inclusive form of education in a general secondary education institution<br>involves the organisation of an inclusive educational environment and management of its development with<br>the involvement of all participants - teachers, parents, and students. This fact leads to increased attention of<br>scholars to the peculiarities of organising an inclusive environment in a general secondary education<br>institution, which indicates the relevance of this issue. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical<br>basis for organising an inclusive environment in a general secondary education institution. The results of the<br>analysis of the theoretical foundations of inclusive education made it possible to state the development of<br>various scientific approaches to determining the features of the implementation and functioning of inclusive<br>education, as well as to identify the main areas of research of scientists in the field of inclusive education:<br>organisational and pedagogical aspects of the problem of creating an inclusive environment; the role of the<br>teacher of an inclusive institution; general features of psychological and pedagogical support and the work of<br>the psychological and pedagogical support team; implementation of other Also, the analysis of scientific<br>sources shows that the goal common to all the approaches and directions under consideration is to ensure<br>equal access to quality educational services for all children, regardless of their characteristics. It has been<br>determined that the incubative environment of general secondary education institutions, in turn, should contribute to ensuring equal access to quality education and the development of important skills that will<br>help students integrate into society. However, there are still many issues related to the organisation of an<br>inclusive environment in general secondary education that require detailed consideration: teacher training for<br>work in an inclusive environment, specifics of organising inclusive education in a distance format, ways to<br>modify and adapt educational material, specifics of adapting the system of assessment of students with<br>special educational needs in an inclusive education environment. The specificity of these issues determines<br>further prospects for research in the field of inclusive education.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺThe content of professional development for teachers in schools in Canada in the context of educational informatizationʺ 2024-07-01T08:15:13+03:00 R. Koliesnikov <p>The skills and competencies of a modern teacher are crucial in an era of rapid technological<br>advancement and the information age. In Canada, one of the leading countries in education, the professional<br>development of teachers holds significant importance, especially in the context of educational digitization.<br>The substantive content of this process is defined by several key aspects.<br>Firstly, one important aspect is access to current technologies and resources. Participants in<br>professional development processes should have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with innovative<br>teaching tools and develop their own digital skills.<br>Secondly, the role of effective mentoring and support for colleagues in the context of educational<br>digitization becomes particularly significant. Participants in professional development have the opportunity<br>to receive assistance from experienced colleagues who help in the implementation of new technologies and<br>pedagogical approaches into the teaching process.</p> <p>Thirdly, continuous self-educational and professional growth is a vital component. Teachers must be<br>prepared for continuous improvement of their skills and knowledge in the field of information technologies<br>and their integration into the educational process.<br>Furthermore, the substantive content of professional development for teachers in Canadian schools in<br>the context of educational digitization also includes studying pedagogical techniques that promote the<br>development of digital literacy among students, as well as adapting educational programs to meet modern<br>requirements and trends in the field of education.<br>The substantive content of professional development for teachers in Canadian schools in the context of<br>educational digitization plays an important role in shaping a qualified teaching corps capable of effectively<br>implementing innovative technologies in the teaching process and contributing to the successful<br>development of students in the digital world.<br>According to research and statistics, educational digitization in Canada is constantly intensifying,<br>which requires the presence of up-to-date knowledge and skills among educators. In this context,<br>professional development programs for school teachers take into account not only substantive aspects but<br>also the latest technologies that help improve the quality of teaching and upbringing.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺArtificial Intelligence in modern education: challenges, opportunities and prospects for pedagogical developmentʺ 2024-07-01T08:38:38+03:00 M. Poliakov <p>The article written by Poliakov M. V. discusses the importance of pedagogical readiness of teachers to<br>use information technologies and artificial intelligence in the modern educational environment. The author<br>emphasizes that modern society is experiencing rapid technological development, which requires educators<br>to actively adapt and master new teaching methods.<br>The creation of a teacher's information space, which includes electronic educational materials, online<br>courses, and interactive platforms, is considered a key element of the modern pedagogical process. The<br>importance of teachers' technical skills is combined with the necessity of understanding how to ensure<br>effective learning interaction and support students' autonomy.<br>It is noted that the challenges of modernity require teachers to teach using various technological<br>tools, including artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Electronic learning platforms, which provide opportunities for online learning and distance interaction, are identified as key components of the modern<br>information space.<br>Additionally, the article focuses on electronic educational resources, interactivity, and personalization<br>in teaching. In particular, the importance of using video, multimedia, and social networks to enhance the<br>effectiveness of learning is highlighted.<br>The main emphasis is placed on the readiness of future educators to use digital technologies as a key<br>element of their professional competence. The integration of digital technologies into the educational process<br>requires not only technical knowledge but also an understanding of how these technologies can improve<br>learning and ensure the quality preparation of students.<br>The article concludes that the modern teacher serves not only as an information mediator but also as a<br>learning facilitator who uses innovative approaches to ensure a quality educational process. Such a teacher<br>becomes a knowledge curator who promotes students' independent learning and actively uses digital<br>technologies to personalize learning and adapt to different learning styles of students.<br>In summary, the article offers a deep analysis of the challenges and advantages that modern<br>technologies bring to the pedagogical process and identifies the need for systematic preparation of future<br>educators to use digital technologies to ensure quality education in the era of digital transformation.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺDesign and technological activities of education applicants as a means of forming key competencesʺ 2024-07-01T07:38:42+03:00 N. Hahatik <p>The article is devoted to one of the important problems in professional and technical education, the<br>formation of design and technological competence through the results of mastering design and technological<br>activities.<br>The process of forming the project-based learning activities for students in the educational process<br>involves the diagnostic assessment of both the external and internal educational products of students.</p> <p>External educational products are manifested in the form of a manufactured product, internal - in the form of<br>an individual level of formed professional competences, which collectively are a manifestation of general<br>competence. In the personally oriented process of professional training, internal educational products are<br>prioritized over external ones. The article is devoted to an experiment that confirmed the effectiveness of the<br>method of forming the design and technological competence of students of vocational and technical<br>institutions in the construction field in the educational process. The specified activity equips students of<br>vocational and technical institutions of construction with a universal tool for learning and transforming the<br>surrounding reality, and also forms the ability and readiness to solve real problems, effective partnership<br>interaction, objective self-evaluation of the results of their own activities, which ensures the continuous<br>growth of their educational and cultural level.<br>The article does not reveal all aspects of the problem, all possibilities of the educational process<br>regarding the formation of design and technological competence. The arguments presented in the article<br>encourage further research on the topic, in particular, there is a need for a thorough study of the following<br>issues: studying the idea of a portfolio as a basis for objective assessment of the level of development of<br>design and technological competence of students of vocational and technical institutions in the construction<br>field; identification of socially and professionally important personality qualities of vocational and technical<br>institutions for adequate self-determination regarding the educational and professional path.<br>The formation of project-technological competence is one of the purposeful activities of the<br>educational process of the vocational and technical education institution in order to ensure the quality<br>training of qualified workers, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of their educational and<br>educational activities. It contributes to the personal development of the recipient and increases his key<br>competencies.<br>The article states that the application of project-technological competence in a vocational and technical<br>education institution contributes to the involvement of education seekers in active cooperation, developing in<br>them a positive attitude towards the educational process and interest in obtaining positive results.<br>The article proves that the formation of design and technological competence will contribute to the<br>development of education, upbringing, creative development and the expansion of their professional outlook.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺTheoretical aspects of professional competence development of mastersoligophrenoeducators in the system of professional trainingʺ 2024-07-01T08:04:26+03:00 О. Kapustina <p>The article actualizes the problem of developing the professional competence of masters of<br>oligophrenic educators in the system of professional training. Attention is focused on the increased attention<br>of the state to the issue of equal access to knowledge of children with special educational needs, which leads<br>to an increased role of specialists in the field of special education. As a result, there are changes in the<br>educational paradigm and improvements in regulatory and legal support. Based on the results of the analysis<br>of scientific and pedagogical literature, it was found that the problem of developing the professional<br>competence of master's students in the system of professional training is insufficiently developed. The works<br>of scientists highlight certain aspects of this problem: competence and its structure, the role of educational<br>components in the development of general competence, the process of forming professional competence, the<br>leading characteristics of professional competence, the features of professional competence, the development<br>of a special educator, the training of future special education specialists for inclusive education of children<br>with special educational needs. The article also substantiates the importance of general and professional<br>competence in the development of professional competence of master oligophrenic teachers. The author<br>emphasizes that mastering general competence and professional competence is the basis for the development<br>of professional competence, and therefore professional training in higher education should be aimed at their<br>development in master's students. The author concludes that the development of professional competence is based on the study of basic educational components, the mastery of which allows master's students to gain<br>knowledge of the basics of pedagogical science. The role of studying special methods is emphasized, which<br>occurs through the acquisition of special knowledge necessary for professional activity. The prospect of<br>further research is to clarify the essence and structure of the professional competence of master oligophrenic<br>educators in the system of professional training.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺInnovative Competence of the Future Hospitality Specialist as a Modern Employer’s Requirementʺ 2024-07-01T08:30:57+03:00 N. Oliinyk M. Podolskyi <p>dern employers in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic and<br>important sectors of the world economy, covering the hotel business, restaurant business, tourism and<br>entertainment. This industry is directly related to meeting people's needs for accommodation, food,<br>recreation and travel, and, as a result, is constantly influenced by changes in consumer preferences, technology, the global economy and socio-cultural trends. Today, the hospitality industry faces a number of<br>challenges that require changes in the way it operates and manages. Based on the analysis of scientific<br>literature, the Standards of Higher Education in the specialties 241 Hotel and Restaurant Business, 242<br>Tourism, 181 Food Technologies and the results of a survey of employers, an ideal profile of a hospitality<br>specialist has been created, which harmoniously combines technical knowledge, service skills, managerial<br>skills and personal qualities. An ideal hospitality specialist is a professionally trained person with appropriate<br>education, developed professional and soft skills, who constantly strives for self-improvement and is ready to<br>meet the challenges of the modern hospitality market. It is proved that innovative competence is one of the<br>key places in the professional model of a hospitality specialist. The innovative competence of a future<br>hospitality specialist is defined as a complex integral intellectual, professional and personal formation, which<br>is formed in the process of professional training of students in a higher education institution, manifests itself,<br>develops and improves in professional activities, and the effectiveness of professional activity significantly<br>depends on the types of theoretical, practical and psychological readiness of a specialist for it. The paper<br>proposes a model of innovative competence of a future hospitality specialist, which includes the following<br>components: understanding of industry trends, technological competence, strategic thinking, creativity and<br>design thinking, change management. The proposed model is generalized and can be used both in education<br>and in organizations. Teachers can use it as a tool for reflection to improve the understanding of innovation<br>competence among students, as well as a basis for developing a curriculum and practically oriented<br>guidelines for the development of innovation competence in future hospitality professionals. Organizations<br>can use this model to support the recruitment of professionals with developed innovation competence, assess<br>and develop innovation competence among employees, and form innovation teams.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE AS A KEY FACTOR FOR ACADEMIC MOBILITY OF FUTURE ENGINEER-TEACHERS 2024-07-01T08:55:32+03:00 V. Tupchenko V. M. Pasichnyk <p>Ukraine's intensive integration into the world and European educational community, as well as<br>ensuring the implementation of the Bologna Declaration's key principles - adaptation to the European<br>educational standards, mobility, and professional competition, actualizes current trends to improve and<br>enhance the quality of foreign language education in Ukrainian higher engineering educational institutions,<br>develop appropriate professional and everyday communication skills in future engineer- teachers, and<br>provide scientific and methodological support from academic staff. The purpose of the article is to identify<br>the role of foreign language teaching at higher engineering educational institutions in the context of future<br>engineer-teachers' academic mobility, to define the skills and strategies which are the focus of English<br>communicative course for academic and professional purposes. Based on the analysis of practical experience<br>in teaching English communicative course for academic and professional purposes, the article deals with the<br>skills and strategies which are in the focus of the above-mentioned course; the advantages of teaching an<br>academic English, providing satisfaction of professional and educational needs of future engineers-teachers,<br>development of academic mobility and increasing students' motivation to participate in the international<br>projects. The authors highlight some challenges arising during the integration of the course into the<br>educational process and outline certain requirements for a foreign language teacher and the organizational<br>process. The paper defines the goals and objectives of foreign language training and organizational forms of<br>teaching foreign languages to support students' academic mobility at a higher engineering education<br>institution; emphasizes the importance of creating specialized courses aimed at facilitating students'<br>adaptation to the academic process abroad. The authors propose to correct the goals and update the courses<br>of foreign language training for students at higher engineering educational institutions, reorienting them from<br>mastering all types of speech activities to the development of a secondary linguistic personality; to make<br>corrections to the content of foreign language education - to supplement the existing knowledge system of<br>national and cultural specifics and realities of the English speaking country and to clarify the areas of<br>communicative activity - topics and communicative situations with programs for their deployment.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺEducation of civic position of cadets in military higher educational institutions: theoretical aspectʺ 2024-07-01T07:28:08+03:00 M. Baglay <p>The article reveals the problem of educating the civic position of cadets - future officers, which is<br>relevant in the light of modern military events related to aggression from a neighboring state.<br>It is emphasized that scientific and pedagogical understanding of ways to develop citizenship<br>acquires special importance in military institutions of higher education, which have accumulated rich<br>experience in developing civic qualities in cadets.<br>It is noted that the level of formation of the civil position of his subordinates, as well as subsequent<br>generations of military personnel, largely depends on the patriotic and civic position of the cadet - the future<br>officer of a military institution of higher education, because the officer performs the functions of a leader and<br>mentor when cadets solve official and combat training tasks for the protection of the state, a teacher and<br>educator who helps cadets form a civic position and patriotic qualities. The concept of “civic position” is<br>defined as a complex of spiritual and moral attitudes and experiences of the individual for the fate of the<br>Motherland, manifested in a culture of feelings, moral feelings, a sense of patriotism, national cultural<br>identity, civic dignity, civic responsibility, civic duty of conscience, civic courage, respectful attitude and<br>love for the Motherland, which is reflected in socially significant actions, actions aimed at ensuring social<br>interests and human rights, as well as changing the social environment in accordance with moral values and<br>current social objectives;</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education "Strategies for the implementation of digital competences in teachers of professionaltechnical universities: experience and perspectives" 2024-07-01T07:54:18+03:00 V. Drahun <p>This article is a survey work to determine the state of research on the problem of the implementation<br>of digital competences among teachers of professional-technical universities. The article provides a rationale<br>for the need to introduce digital competencies of teachers due to their significant impact on modern<br>education and the economy. An overview of some implementations of the development of digital<br>competence of teachers is also given. At the moment, they are more focused on the following areas:<br>professional development programs and trainings, creation of digital educational resources, use of online<br>platforms for learning, development of own skills, support from the management of the institution,<br>involvement in professional communities. Separately, the article presents the prospects for further<br>development. These can be focused around: integration with artificial intelligence, gamification, work on the<br>spread of digital literacy and development of critical thinking, integration of mobile/cell phones and pocket<br>computers in education, development of skills for managing large volumes of data and the application of<br>blended learning technology. Reports of the European Commission, as well as political actions regarding<br>education and society, also point to the need to introduce digital competences among teachers of<br>professional-technical universities. The success of the digital transformation requires actions not only from<br>teachers, it must be a decision of the whole society that involves political reforms, improving the business<br>environment, creating incentives and increasing investments in digital technologies, skills and infrastructures. And the result of the success of the digital transformation may be the growth of the economy<br>and the well-being of society. Therefore, it is assumed that the presence of digital competences among<br>teachers of professional-technical universities will be important for the development of the country and<br>society as a whole. Because of this, there is a need for further research into ways of implementing digital<br>competencies among teachers of vocational and technical institutions, as well as creating an optimal<br>implementation strategy and developing a technological solution for student training.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺConceptual and terminological apparatus of the study of multicultural education of future bachelors of primary educationʺ. 2024-07-01T08:21:30+03:00 О. Kuznetsova <p>The article deals with the issues of conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study of<br>multicultural education of future bachelors of primary education.<br>It is determined that the main condition that will help to prepare for the transfer of multicultural<br>qualities to primary school students is the inclusion of a system of multicultural education in the process of<br>professional training of future bachelors of primary education.<br>The interpretation of certain terms and concepts related to the multicultural education of future<br>bachelors of primary education is analyzed, and clarifications and additions are proposed.<br>Attention is focused on such definitions of concepts as "culture" and "spiritual culture". It is<br>established that in modern scientific and theoretical studies there is no unambiguous interpretation of the<br>definition of these terms. It has been determined that in the system of educational work of a pedagogical<br>higher education institution, the concept of culture, its significance as a cultural process taking place in a<br>multicultural educational environment, is manifested in the possibility of natural expression of one's<br>individuality and ability in cultural self-development and self-determination in the achievements of material<br>and spiritual culture. The attention is focused on the fact that the spiritual culture of the teacher is a necessary<br>component in the process of multicultural education of future bachelors of primary education, as it combines<br>both personal and professional components.<br>A general description of the concept of "multiculturalism" is given. It is determined that the<br>multicultural personality of a future bachelor of primary education has the following characteristics:<br>understanding of the linguistic, cultural, mental diversity of a multicultural society in which representatives<br>of different cultures unite; sense of national identity and awareness of the importance of different national<br>cultures with distinctive traditions and culture; ability to intercultural dialogue in terms of tolerance,<br>humanism, cultural and spiritual values; awareness of the possibility of professional self-realization in a<br>multicultural society.<br>The category of "multicultural competence" is explained. It is noted that in the process of multicultural<br>education, during which the formation of multicultural competence in students of pedagogical universities<br>takes place, it is necessary to implement such a structure and content of this competence that would meet the<br>modern requirements of society and enable representatives of different religions, ethnicities and traditions to<br>successfully solve problems in a multicultural space.<br>It is proved that the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study of multicultural education of<br>future bachelors of primary education in Ukraine has certain terminological features. This is due to the fact<br>that Ukraine's integration into the European and world educational space expands the boundaries for the<br>professional and pedagogical activities of future bachelors of primary education and provides new<br>opportunities for their self-realization in the multicultural educational space, which in turn fills the process of<br>multicultural education with new elements and definitions</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺInformation and communication technologies for teaching physics of future specialists in computer engineering under the remote learningʺ. 2024-07-01T08:43:30+03:00 I. Synelnyk O. Synelnyk <p>Transformational changes in society, social and political realities caused the education system of<br>Ukraine to function mainly online. The lack of a general psychological and pedagogical theory of remote<br>learning makes it urgent to search for ways to improve the quality of learning through the creation and<br>harness of information and communication technologies that provide a solution to the problems arising in<br>online studying. The article presents a study of the process of teaching physics to students of IT specialties in<br>remote learning and reasoning of the methods of using computer tools and information and communication<br>technologies in the studying process. The differences between the remote form of studying and distance<br>learning have been explained, the peculiarities of the students have been clarified, the specifics of physics as<br>a fundamental educational subject and a component of the professional training of future specialists in the<br>field of computer engineering in the context of remote learning have been revealed. Based on the content of<br>the discipline and the types of learning and teaching activities, the selection criteria, expediency of<br>development and methods of usage of information and communication technologies for solving the certain<br>didactic tasks are substantiated. There were proposed methods of usage dynamic computer presentations for the delivering theoretical material and providing analytical symbolic activity; an interactive board for the<br>organization of students' practice work and the physics problems solving; software for computer simulation<br>of physical processes to acquire skills of doing computer experiments; electronic templates with an<br>automated checkup function for representation the results of students’ independent work; computer testing as<br>the basis for monitoring of students learning activity.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺMechanisms for Implementing Compliance Management Approaches in the Higher Education Systemʺ 2024-07-01T07:45:23+03:00 H. Hrinchenko R. Nesterenko A. Fomenko <p>The article proposes mechanisms for implementing compliance management approaches in the<br>system of higher education, namely in higher education institutions. The structure of the compliance<br>management system is proposed, which includes several key elements, such as: creation of compliance<br>policies and procedures, organisation of the control and audit system, creation of internal control bodies,<br>education and training of personnel, information support, stimulation of responsible behaviour, cooperation<br>with external organisations and establishment of partnerships with state control bodies, professional<br>associations and other stakeholders to share experience and use best practices. The integration of the proposed elements of the compliance management system is proposed taking into account the existing<br>regulatory documents, both external and internal. The article considers the mechanisms for implementing the<br>components of the compliance management system for the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical<br>Academy on the example of the existing regulatory support within the HEI. Positive aspects of the<br>implementation of mechanisms and further development of the compliance management system in the<br>direction of training and education of staff in the principles and approaches based on the development of a<br>special microcredit course are identified. As recommendations for improving the existing quality<br>management system, it is proposed to increase information support for the implementation of the proposed<br>measures, which will contribute to the formation of responsibility. It is noted that the introduction of<br>compliance management principles in the higher education system is a promising area of research, since this<br>approach contributes to the effective implementation of the requirements of legislation, standards and<br>policies in the field of education. Compliance management contributes to the creation of a system of control,<br>audit and internal supervision that ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and reduces the risk of<br>violations. In addition, this approach promotes the formation of an ethical culture and responsibility among<br>participants in the educational process. Implementation of compliance management can improve the quality<br>of education, increase public trust, enhance the competitiveness of the institution and ensure the stability of<br>the management of the higher education institution.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺTeamwork ability in the structure of professional competence of vocational education teachersʺ 2024-07-01T08:08:21+03:00 V. Kovalskaya О. Нrankin <p>The article proves the necessity of educators possessing professional training in teamwork skills in the<br>context of reforming the national educational system, one of the trends of which is the increase in constructive<br>interaction and understanding among all participants in the educational process, effective collaboration with<br>other educators and specialists in the field of education. According to the research results, the ability of<br>educators in professional training to work in teams is identified as an integrated personal quality that includes a<br>combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal qualities regarding the formation and development of<br>educational teams, diagnosing problems, and developing solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of teams<br>formed by educators, learners, parents, and other participants in the educational process. The structure of the<br>ability of educators in professional training to work in teams is distinguished, consisting of the following<br>components: motivational (interest in teamwork, motivation for joint professional activities, desire for selfdevelopment), cognitive (knowledge of the theoretical foundations of team formation), activity (ability to form<br>educational teams, distribute roles among team members, establish effective team communication, manage<br>conflicts within the team), personal (qualities enabling effective teamwork: collective responsibility, activity,<br>initiative, creativity, flexibility, harmonization of common goals with personal goals, situational leadership,<br>constructive interaction, balance, readiness for change). It is established that the use of project methods, problem-based learning, role-playing games, and trainings in professional training contributes to the<br>effectiveness of forming the mentioned ability, providing modeling of teamwork, simulation of situations of<br>communicative interaction, and the development of team skills.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺTraining future teachers to organize educational activities using information and communication technologiesʺ 2024-07-01T08:33:35+03:00 O. Pavlova <p>The article focuses on the current stage of societal development characterized by the informatization<br>of the vast majority of life spheres. An integral part of this process is the use of information and<br>communication technologies in education, particularly in the upbringing process, where these technologies<br>are expected to enhance efficiency. Consequently, modern educators need to skillfully utilize information<br>and communication technologies in their professional activities. The potential of using these technologies in<br>organizing the educational process in secondary education institutions is justified. The development and<br>utilization of information and communication technologies in the educational process aim to change<br>traditional forms of upbringing organization and offer significant advantages in the information society and<br>in response to contemporary challenges. A crucial quality of modern information and communication<br>technologies is their universality, as they can serve as the foundation for organizing any activity related to<br>information exchange, creating a common information space, and more. The application of ICT contributes<br>to improving all types of educational work. The article also addresses aspects of the professional training of<br>future educators in organizing educational activities using information and communication technologies. An analysis of the scientific literature indicates that a high level of ICT competence is a crucial condition for the<br>effectiveness of a teacher's professional activities. The specificity of studying information and<br>communication technologies, including their use as a means of upbringing in higher education pedagogical<br>institutions, is identified. Emphasis is placed on the fact that direct formation of ICT skills in future<br>professional activities significantly enhances the intensity and effectiveness of training for future teachers.<br>Moreover, the main goals of preparing future primary school teachers to organize educational activities using<br>information and communication technologies are outlined.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education ʺDevelopment of communication competence in higher education students through feedbackʺ 2024-07-01T09:00:33+03:00 A. Kharkivska L. Shtefan <p>Communication competence is one of the key professional competences that should be developed in<br>modern graduates of higher educational institutions. Feedback is one of the ways to develop communication<br>competence in higher education students. Feedback enables higher education students to realise their own<br>strengths and weaknesses in communication, as well as to receive constructive recommendations for further<br>self-development. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature has made it possible to clarify the role<br>of feedback in education in general and in the development of communication skills in particular. The article<br>highlights the factors that should be taken into account when using feedback in the educational process. The<br>ways of effective implementation of feedback, which are the most effective in ensuring the development of<br>communicative competence of higher education students, are proposed. The types of feedback that can be<br>used in the development of future specialists' communicative competence are identified. Among the features<br>of achieving effectiveness from feedback are the following: openness, timeliness, accuracy of opinion,<br>validity, consideration of the situation, and bilateralism. The article emphasises the importance of<br>implementing constructive, so-called "healthy" feedback, which helps to improve mutual understanding, develop relationships and achieve common goals in the educational environment. The most popular digital<br>resources and other tools (methods) of feedback in the development of communicative competence of higher<br>education students are highlighted. The relationship between the development of communicative competence<br>through feedback and self-esteem and self-improvement is traced. Prospect for further research is to study<br>the impact of feedback on the academic achievements of higher education students throughout the entire<br>period of obtaining the relevant degree of education.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education